1. Call to Order - Board Attorney | |
2. Election of Chair | |
3. Election of Vice-Chair | |
4. Election of Secretary | |
5. Election of Treasurer | |
6. Board Attorney for Calendar Year 2023 | |
7. Moment of Silence | |
8. Pledge of Allegiance | |
9. Welcome Guests | |
10. Approval of Minutes | |
11. Approval of Agenda | |
12. Recognition | |
13. Informational Items | |
A. FRYSC Report | |
B. Athletic Report | |
C. School and District Leadership Meeting Reports | |
D. Maintenance Walk-through Data | |
E. Safety Walk-through Report | |
F. Superintendent's Report | |
14. Simons Middle School Updates | |
A. Approve BG-2 | |
B. Approve BG-3 | |
C. Approve CPTED Survey | |
D. Approve Design Development Drawings | |
15. Student Board Representative | |
16. Reports | |
A. Monthly Financial Report | |
B. Personnel Report | |
C. Attendance Report | |
17. Consent Items | |
A. Payment of Claims | |
B. Board Meeting Sites and Schedule for 2023 | |
C. Nutrition & Physical Activity Report | |
D. Overnight Trip Requests | |
E. Emergency Shelter Agreement with Pioneer Trace Group, LLC | |
F. Surplus Property | |
G. Positions/Job Descriptions/Salary Schedule Update | |
H. Orientation and Mobility Services Contract | |
I. School & District Comprehensive Improvement Plans | |
J. Purchase Buses | |
K. Fundraiser Request | |
L. Approve BG-1 | |
18. Go Into Closed Session to Discuss Personnel per KRS 61.810(1)(f) | |
19. Go Out of Closed Session | |
20. Adjournment | |