MISSION: To achieve proficiency through a high quality education for all students in a safe and supportive environment.

Regular Board Meeting
December 21, 2023 6:00 PM
Estill County Board of Education
253 Main Street
Irvine, Kentucky 40336

I. Call To Order
A. Welcome/Pledge
B. Reminder to Sign In
C. Revisions
II. Action
A. Consideration/Approval of the Family Resource and Youth Services Centers School District Assurance Certification 2024-2026
B. Consideration/Approval of Amendment for the Instruction Coaching Salary Schedule
C. Consideration/Approval of West Irvine Kindergarten Paraeducator Position
D. Consideration/Approval of a District Teacher Leader Mentor
E. Consideration/Approval To Pay Superintendent The Amount Allocated Per Section VI(I) Of The Contract Employing Superintendent
F. Review/Approve FY23 Financial Audit
G. Consideration/Approval of the 2024 Board Meeting Dates
H. Consideration/Approval of the Estill County High School Softball Team Out-of-State Field Trip April 1-6, 2024
III. Consent
A. Approve Minutes of November 16, 2023
B. Approve Treasurer's Report and Payment of Bills
IV. Superintendent's Report
A. Update:
B. Notification of Personnel Action
C. School Update: Enrollment, Attendance, etc.
D. School Fundraiser Reports
V. Principal's Report
VI. Board Member Forum
VII. Public Comments
VIII. Adjourn
