MISSION: To achieve proficiency through a high quality education for all students in a safe and supportive environment.

Regular Board Meeting
July 20, 2023 6:00 PM
Estill County Board of Education
253 Main Street
Irvine, Kentucky 40336

I. Call To Order
A. Welcome/Pledge
B. Reminder to Sign In
C. Revisions
II. Facilities/Construction Updates
A. Estill Springs Elementary School project (BG #22-207)
1. Update
2. Consideration/Approval of Pay Estimate #10 for the amount of $746,365.57
B. Estill County Safety and ADA Upgrades project, BG#23-087
1. Update
2. Consideration/Approval of Change Order #05 to Jarboe and Change Order No. 2253-01-01 to Contractors Choice for a net zero change to the construction cost to correct materials purchases shown on prior change orders.
3. Consideration/Approval of Change Order #06 to Jarboe and Change Order No. 2253-01-02 to Contractors Choice to add new door hardware at the entry vestibule & modify door latch strike plates at Estill Middle School.
4. Consideration/Approval of Pay Application #3 with DPO Invoicing in the amount of $103,666.74
C. Consideration/Approval Structure Engineer for the Estill County Middle School
III. Action
A. Consider/Approve Student Discipline Code and School Supplements
IV. Consent
A. Approve Board Meeting Minutes June 15, 2023, and July 11, 2023
B. Approve Treasures' Report and Payment of Bills
C. Cybersecurity Readiness Preparation Report
D. Approval KSBA Policy Updates Annual Policy Second Reading
E. Approval of the FY2024 District Assurance
F. Approve FY2024 Federal Cash Request Statement of Assurance
G. Approval of the ARC Chairpersons for the Estill County School District
H. Approve Business Proposal for Speech Therapy Services
I. Approve Surplus Items
J. Consider/Approve Amended 2023-2024 Staffing Policy
V. Superintendent Report
A. Notification of Personnel Actions
B. Updates on Opening Day, Open House, and Other Dates
VI. Board Member Forum
VII. Public Comments
VIII. Adjourn
