Special Meeting of the Erlanger-Elsmere Board of Education
August 22, 2024 6:30 PM
500 Graves Avenue
Erlanger, KY 41018

Core Values Statement
To provide the knowledge, skills, and opportunities our students need to realize their full potential and achieve lifelong success the Erlanger-Elsmere Schools are committed to creating a community of Empowerment, Growth, and Respect.

I. Call to Order
A. Open Meeting
II. Presentations
A. Revised Audit Report for FY23 ending June 30, 2023Lisa Goetz,
Finance Director
III. Approve to set a rate of 94.50 cents per $100 for assessed valuation on Real Property and 94.50 cents per $100 for assessed valuation on Personal Property and 67.1 cents per $100 assessed on Motor Vehicles for 2024-2025.
IV. Discussion Agenda
A. Lloyd Memorial High Renovation Project Phase 4
V. Adjourn
