I. Call to Order | |
A. Open Meeting | |
B. Pledge to the Flag | |
II. Presentations | |
A. Construction and Facilities Update | Noah Onkst |
B. Core Values | Matt Engel, Assistant Superintendent |
III. Reports | |
A. Schools, District Personnel, and Department Supervisors | |
B. Personnel Report | |
C. Transportation Report | |
D. Fundraising Report | |
E. EES Vendor Activity Report FY24 | |
IV. Individuals Desiring to Speak to the Board | |
V. Approve July 18, 2024 Monthly Board Meeting Minutes | |
VI. Approve the Superintendent’s Professional Growth Plan for 2024-2025 | |
VII. Approve Emergency Board Policy Revision for Policy 03.6 Volunteers | |
VIII. Consent Agenda | |
A. Authorize Treasurer to pay bills from General Funds and Special Programs | |
B. Authorize Treasurer to pay August Salaries | |
C. Approve Detailed Monthly Report and Balance Sheets for July 2024 to be posted on the District website for a six-month period (House Bill 154) | |
D. Approve the EES FY24 Unaudited Financial Statements | |
E. Approve Beverli Pemberton's Request for Unpaid Leave for the 2024-2025 School Year | |
F. Approve the Orientation and Mobility Services Agreement with Movin' OM, LLC for the 2024-2025 School Year | |
G. Declare an Emergency at Lloyd Memorial High School Field House to complete Emergency HVAC Repairs | |
H. Approve Lloyd High School Stadium Turf and Bleachers Change Order #3 (REH#127-522-A/BG#22-476 ) | |
I. Approve Erlanger-Elsmere Paving 2024 Certificate for Payment No. 2 (REH #127-1023/BG #24-217) | |
J. Approve Tichenor Middle HVAC Renovations Certificate for Payment No. 8(REH #127-822-C/BG #23-227) | |
K. Approve Howell Elementary Gym AHU Certificate for Payment No. 4 (REH #127-823/BG #24-177) | |
L. Approve BG4 for the Miles Elementary Re-roof (REH#127-522B/BG#23-075) | |
IX. Adjourn | |