Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
February 09, 2023 7:00 PM
Dietz Auditorium
450 Bartlett Avenue
Erlanger, KY 41018

Core Values Statement
To provide the knowledge, skills, and opportunities our students need to realize their full potential and achieve lifelong success the Erlanger-Elsmere Schools are committed to creating a community of Empowerment, Growth, and Respect.

I. Call to Order
A. Open Meeting
B. Pledge to the Flag
II. Reports
A. Schools, District Personnel, and Department Supervisors
B. Grants Report
C. Student Board Member Report
D. Personnel Report
E. Transportation Report
F. Fundraising Report
III. Individuals Desiring to Speak to the Board
IV. Approve the January 12, 2023 Special Board Meeting Minutes
V. Approve the January 12, 2023 Monthly Board Meeting Minutes
VI. Consent Agenda
A. Authorize Treasurer to pay bills from General Funds and Special Programs
B. Authorize Treasurer to pay February Salaries
C. Approve Detailed Monthly Report and Balance Sheets for January 2023 to be posted on the District website for a six-month period (House Bill 154)
D. Second Reading and Approval of Policy Revision 09.1222 Nonresident Students
E. Approve the Letter of Engagement with Denise M. Keene, Certified Public Accountant for the Erlanger-Elsmere Schools FY23 Financial Audit
F. Approve Student Accident Insurance Renewal for 2023-2024
G. Approve Application and Certificate for Payment #3 for Northern Kentucky Head Start Elsmere Renovations (REH#365-221/BG#21-280)
H. Approve Northern Kentucky Head Start Elsmere Renovations BG4 (REH #365-221/BG #21-280)
I. Approve Application and Certificate for Payment #2 for the Howell Elementary School Boiler Replacement (REH#127-822/BG#23-116)
J. Approve Application and Certificate for Payment #4 for Miles, Arnett, and Tichenor HVAC and Generators (REH #127-821-C / BG #22-327)
K. Approve Application and Certificate for Payment #3 for the Lloyd HS Stadium Turf and Bleachers (REH#127-522-A/BG#22-476)
L. Approve the Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor for Scheben Gym Bleacher Replacement (REH#127-1222/BG#23-308)
VII. Approve Entering Into Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Proposed or Pending Litigation Against the District in Accordance with KRS 61.810(1)(c)
VIII. Approve Re-entering Open Session
IX. Adjourn
