May 2024 Meeting
May 13, 2024 4:00 PM
BES Conference Room

Breathitt Elementary School


1. Call to Order/Roll Call
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Mission and Vision
1. Review Mission and Vision Statement
4. Approval of Previous Minutes
1. April 2024 Minutes
5. New Business
1. Discuss end of year activities
6. Budget/Finance
1. 2024-2025 SBDM Budget
2. Principal's Combined Budget
7. Curriculum/Academics
1. Acadience Benchmarking
2. Teacher Interviews
1. Per KRS 61.80 (f) Consider approval of entering into closed session to discuss personnel matters related to the hiring of a classroom teacher
8. Policy/Policy Review
1. Primary/K-3 policy
2. Enhancing Student Achievement Policy
3. Alignment with State Standards
10. Other Business
11. Public Comments
12. Adjournment
