Breathitt SBDM Advisory Council Meeting
October 24, 2019 3:30 PM

I. Call to Order/Roll Call
II. Review of Mission and Vision Statement
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. New Business
A. Consider approval of the PTO Homecoming Dance-10/25/19
B. Consider Approval of Fundraiser for Ladycat Basketball - Supervisors- Derek Goff, Rachael Durham and Dustin Barnett- for team gear and travel - 10/24/19/10-30-19
C. Consider Approval for KAS grant application and budget.
D. Consider Approval for Amplify Science Resource Curriculum.
V. Closed Session
A. Per KRS 61.810(1)(f) Consider approval of entering into closed session to discuss personal matters relating to the hiring of a Science Teacher and the hiring and recommendations/evaluations of high school coaches: Asst Academic, Asst Baseball, Girls Asst Basketball-2 positions, Asst Football- 4 positions, Asst Softball, Baseball, and Middle School Baseball, Girls and Boys Basketball and Softball Coach.
VI. Consider approval of resuming open session.
VII. Action resulting from Closed Session.
VIII. Adjournment
