November Regular Monthly SBDM Meeting
November 08, 2023 3:30 PM
Highland Turner Elementary


Vision:  Every Student, Every Day, College/Career and Citizenship Ready

Mission:  Highland-Turner provides rigorous and relevant instruction in a clean, safe, nurturing environment where we take responsibility to produce productive members of society. 

1. Call to Order
a. Roll Call
b. Adopt Agenda
2. Approval of Minutes-October 11th Regular Meeting
3. Review Vision/Mission Statement
4. Reports for Student Academic Success
b. MTSS Data
5. Consider Policy Revisions
a. Program Appraisal
b. Technology Use
c. Advanced Courses
d. Assignment of instruction and non-instructional staff time
e. Student assignment
f. School schedule
6. Discussion
7. Consider Curriculum
8. Consider Budget
9. Communicating/Sharing - Students, Parents, and Teachers
10. Adjournment
