Board Meeting
January 09, 20246:00 PM

School Cafeteria

1. Call to Order
2. Election of Board Chair
3. Election of Vice Chair
4. January School Board Recognition Month
5. Block Consent Agenda (to be approved as one block unit)
A. Minutes of Board Meeting - December 13, 2023
B. 2024 School Board Meeting Dates
C. Donation of $300 to Project Graduation
D. Claims
6. Finance Director's Report
7. Monthly Items
A. Superintendent Report - Mr. Begley
1. Personnel Report -
B. Academic Update - Mr. Lemonds
1. CDIP Highlight
C. Action Items
1. Approval - Student Accident Insurance Renewal with Roberts Insurance
2. Approval - CDIP
3. Approval - Surplus Handicap Van
4. Approval - 2024-24 School Calendar
8. Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 14, 2024 at 7:00 pm in the School Cafeteria
9. Adjournment
