Regular Meeting
March 08, 20237:00 PM

School Cafeteria

1. Call to Order
2. Block Consent Agenda (to be approved as one block unit)
A. Minutes of Board Meeting - February 8, 2023
B. Overnight Trip
C. Superintendent Mileage Reimbursement
D. Claims
3. Finance Director's Report
4. Monthly Items
A. Superintendent Report - Mr. Begley
1. Personnel Report -
2. YES! Recognition: Leslie Worley and Jessica Ustymchuk
3. KSBA Discussion . . . "What did you learn . . ."
B. Academic Update - Mr. LeMonds
1. Upcoming testing windows
C. Action Items
1. Approval - Amend school calendar
2. Used Bus Bid
D. Enter into Executive Session
E. Exit Executive Session
5. Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 7:00 pm in the School Cafeteria
6. Adjournment
