Regular Meeting
December 14, 20227:00 PM

School Cafeteria

1. Call to Order
2. Annual Audit Presentation - Joe Montgomery
3. Block Consent Agenda (to be approved as one block unit)
A. Minutes of Board Meeting - November 9, 2022
B. Minutes of Working Session December 1, 2022
C. Shortened school day for student
D. KETS Offer of Assistance
E. Claims
4. Finance Director's Report
5. Monthly Items
A. Superintendent Report - Mr. Begley
1. Personnel Report -
2. YES! Recognition: Lydia Cox-Rowe and Jensen Cox-Rowe: Distinguished in Reading, Math and Science; Judah Blair and Davon Marshall: Distinguished in Reading and Math
B. Academic Update - Mr. LeMonds
1. Map Testing Data Breakdown
C. Action Items (to be approved one at a time)
1. Approval - New Pay Scale for Food Service Staff
2. Approval - Post Social Worker Position
6. Community Comment
7. Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 7:00 pm in the School Cafeteria
8. Adjournment
