Special Called Meeting
April 11, 2022 12:30 PM
Central Office/Via Teleconference

Graduates Prepared For College, Career, and Community


Breathitt County Schools will accomplish this vision by:

1.  Putting students FIRST in ALL decision making,

2.  Setting high expectations for student achievement,

3.  Advocating for every child,

4.  Promoting growth for students and staff,

5.  Actively engaging community stakeholders, and

6.  Promoting positive school/community culture.

I. Call to Order/Roll Call
II. Consider approval to increase the amount of contingency on the revised BG1 for the PE Gym Floor Project (KDE BG# 22-060). The requested increase of $3,130.65 will increase the original contingency (in the amount of $7,469.35) to the new amount of $10,600.00.
III. Consider approval of the change order CO #001 to Cincinnati Floor Company for $10,600.00. This change order will cover the addition of a vapor barrier on the original building concrete slab and floor system on which the new wood gym floor will be constructed.
IV. Adjournment
