Special Board Meeting
June 04, 2019 12:00 PM
Central Office Conference Room

Graduates Prepared For College, Career, and Community


Breathitt County Schools will accomplish this vision by:

1.  Putting students FIRST in ALL decision making,

2.  Setting high expectations for student achievement,

3.  Advocating for every child,

4.  Promoting growth for students and staff,

5.  Actively engaging community stakeholders, and

6.  Promoting positive school/community culture.

I. Call to Order/Roll Call
II. Consider approval of the FY2020 FRYSC MOA.
III. Consider approval of a service agreement with Harshaw Trane for Highland Turner,CGAM Chiller, in the amount of $3,094 for the 2019-2020 school year.
IV. Consider approval of Maintenance service agreement in the amount of $13,520 and Intelligent service agreement in the amount of $18,956, with Harshaw Trane for Sebastian Elementary and BHS for the 2019-2020 school year for total amount of $32,476.
V. Consider approval of approving the following building request contingent upon receiving insurance:
A. Consider approval of Breathitt County Library to use the BHS parking lot on June 17th and 18th for purpose of a traveling Ky Historical History exhibit.
B. Consider approval for Breathitt County Library to use BHS Colisium or BHS Stadium for "Turtle Man", Ernie Brown, on June 18th 2019.
VI. Consider approval of going into closed session in compliance with KRS 61.810(k) and KRS 156.557(c), for a preliminary discussion regarding the superintendent's evaluation.
VII. Consider approval of returning to open session.
VIII. Consider approval of Superintendent's Annual Evaluation - Final Discussion and Report.
IX. Adjournment
