Powell County Board of Education Special Called Meeting
August 02, 2023 6:00 PM
All Schools- Begin at BES and End at CCE

I. Call to OrderBoard Chair Kathy Merriman
II. Pledge of AllegianceBoard Chair Kathy Merriman
III. Approve and Adopt the AgendaBoard Chair Kathy Merriman
IV. Building Walkthroughs
A. Bowen Elementary
B. Stanton Elementary
C. Powell County High School
D. Powell County Middle School
E. Clay City Elementary
V. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Meeting Minutes from Regular Meeting 07.18.23
B. Approval of Emergency Teaching Certifications
C. Approval of 2023-2024 Employee Handbook
VI. Revision to Board Policy 08.221 - GradingSuperintendent Wasson
VII. AdjournBoard Chair Kathy Merriman
