Powell County Board of Education Regular Meeting
July 18, 2023 6:00 PM
Powell County Middle School Media Center

I. Call to OrderBoard Chair Kathy Merriman
II. Pledge of AllegianceBoard Chair Kathy Merriman
III. Adopt/Approve AgendaBoard Chair Kathy Merriman
IV. Staff/Student RecognitionsSuperintendent Wasson
V. Communication ReportSuperintendent Wasson
VI. Public CommentsBoard Chair Kathy Merriman
VII. Consent AgendaBoard Chair Kathy Merriman
A. Approval of minutes for regular meeting minutes 06.20.23
B. Approval of Payment of Claims
C. Approval of Monthly Financial Report
D. Approval of Orders of Treasurer
E. KSBA Membership Dues for FY2024
F. MSU Lease for Adult Education
G. Retroactive Approval of Cyber Insurance Coverage
H. Salary Scale Corrections
VIII. Master PlanKenny Stanfield with Sherman Carter Barnhart
IX. Review Current Board Goals and Establish Goals for 2023-2024 School YearSuperintendent Wasson
X. Superintendent Professional Growth PlanSuperintendent Wasson
XI. Second Reading of Policy 09.435Superintendent Wasson
XII. Approval of 2023-2024 Code of Conduct and District HandbookMs. Meredith Robinson
XIII. Annual Annuity Financial ReportMs. Alicia Frazier
XIV. Cooperative Membership OpportunityMs. Alicia Frazier
XV. Policy Changes to 03.122, 03.222, 03.1232, 03.2232Superintendent Wasson
XVI. Procedural Changes 03.121 AP.1 and 03.221 AP.1Mr. David Lyons
XVII. Medical Air Services Association Insurance BenefitMr. David Lyons
XVIII. Instruction
A. Approval of Emergency Teacher CertificationsMr. David Lyons
B. Approval of ELL/Migrant Job DescriptionMr. David Lyons
C. Approval of ELL/Migrant Instructional Assistant PositionMr. David Lyons
D. Grant Opportunity for STEM EducationSuperintendent Wasson
XIX. Student Athletic OpportunityMr. Doug Brewer
XX. Facilities
A. Stanton Elementary Pay Application #4Mr. Doug Brewer
XXI. Informational Items
A. Personnel ReportMr. David Lyons
XXII. Other BusinessBoard Chair Kathy Merriman
XXIII. AdjournBoard Chair Kathy Merriman
