Paris Independent Board of Education

Regular Meeting
January 18, 2024 5:00 PM
310 West 7th Street
Paris Board of Education

I. Opening
A. Call to Order
B. Approve Agenda
C. Approve Minutes from the Regular Meeting Held on December 19, 2023
D. Department and Superintendent's Reports
a. Inform Board of Superintendent's Personnel Actions
E. Showcase and Recognitions- Student Artwork
F. Public Comment-The Paris Independent Board of Education welcomes public comment during all regular meetings. Generally, School Board members do not respond to public comment during a meeting. The public comment period should not be viewed as an opportunity for questioning of board members or administrators, or for back-and-forth discussion or debate. It is an opportunity for members of the public to express their views regarding matters which are within the scope of the Board’s decision-making authority.
G. Presentations
a. Paris Education Foundation
b. Jennifer Wilson, Financial Update
H. Consent Agenda
a. Approve Treasurer's Report
b. Approve Bills, Salaries, and Wages
c. Approve Superintendent's Expense Report
d. Approve Waiving Rental Fee for YMCA for Youth Basketball and Pickle Ball
e. Consider Motion to Approve 2024 Board Meeting Dates to be held the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 5:00 PM. January meeting date will be the 3rd Thursday due to the MLK Holiday.
II. Old Business
III. New Business
A. Election of School Board Officers for 2024 Calendar Year
B. Consider Motion to Approve 2024-2025 Draft Budget
C. Consider Motion to Approve Pay App#9 and DPO for Preschool Building
D. Consider Motion to Approve Emergency Certification for a Preschool Teacher
E. Consider Motion to Approve the School Facilities Construction Commission (SFCC) Acceptance Offer
F. Consider Motion to Approve Student Accident Insurance with Zurich (Roberts Insurance)
IV. Superintendent's Report
A. TAR Report (Technology Offer)
B. Facilities Update
C. Western Night - January 27th
D. Paris/ Bourbon County Career and Technical Center
E. Board Member Appreciation
V. Board Comments
VI. Adjournment
