Paris Independent Board of Education

Regular Meeting
October 17, 2023 5:00 PM
310 West Seventh Street
Paris Board of Education

I. Opening
A. Call to Order
B. Approve Agenda
C. Approve Minutes from the Regular Board Meeting held on September 19, 2023 and the Special Called Minutes held on October 4, 2023.
D. Department and Superintendent's Reports
a. Inform Board of Superintendent's Personnel Actions
E. Showcase and Recognitions
a. Hunt Brothers Pizza
b. Little Hounds Football
F. Public Comment- The Paris Independent Board of Education welcomes public comment during all regular meetings. Generally, School Board members do not respond to public comment during a meeting. The public comment period should not be viewed as an opportunity for questioning of board members or administrators, or for back-and-forth discussion or debate. It is an opportunity for members of the public to express their views regarding matters which are within the scope of the Board’s decision-making authority.
G. Presentations
a. Andrew Owens with Sherman Carter Barnhart- New Project Timelines
H. Consent Agenda
a. Approve Bills, Salaries, and Wages
b. Approve Superintendent's Expense Report
c. Approve Treasurer's Report
d. Approve Attached Invoices that are Allowable Expenses to be Paid out of Restricted Funds
e. Approve Waiving of Rental Fess for the Western Kentucky University Mountain Workshop October 21-29, 2023
f. Approve Special Called Meetings will Not be Livestreamed but will be Recorded.
g. Approve Land Agreement with Bourbon County Fiscal Court for Millersburg Road Property
h. Approve Fundraiser Request for Paris Elementary PTO to host Fall Carnival, Sell t-shirts, Santa Pictures, Smencils and Santa Cards
i. Approve Fundraiser Request for Middle School Volleyball-to have T-shirt sales, concessions, car wash, restaurant nights, raffles, Aramark Concessions (UK & Bengals)
j. Approve Softball Team to Travel to Fort Worth, TX March 30, 2024- April 6th to Play in the Fort Worth, TX High School Softball Classic
II. Old Business
A. Consider Motion to Approve Second Reading of New Annual Leave Day Policy 3.122
III. New Business
A. Consider Motion to Approve 2023-2024 Indirect Cost Rate
B. Consider Motion to Approve Change Order #004 to Install Overhead Doors at Exterior Wall -cost $4425.12
C. Consider Motion to Approve Change Order #005 for Unsuitable Soils and Placement of DGA- cost $46,512.00
D. Consider Motion to Approve Preschool Construction Pay App #5 and #6
E. Consider Motion to Approve BG-1 Greenhouse Project
IV. Superintendent's Report
A. District Facility Plan- Public Hearing at 6:30 PM
B. Next Board Meeting will be Thursday, November 16, 2023 due to Thanksgiving Break
C. Mountain Workshop
D. Standard 4
E. Corporate Sponsorship Plan
V. Board Comments
VI. Adjournment
