Paris Independent Board of Education

Special Called Meeting
June 29, 2023 5:00 PM
310 West 7th Street
Board of Education

I. Opening
A. Call to Order
B. Approve Agenda
C. Approve Minutes from the Regular Meeting Held on May 16, 2023 and the Special Called Meeting Held on May 31, 2023
D. Department and Superintendent's Reports
a. Inform Board of Superintendent's Personnel Actions
b. Inform Board of 2022-2023 Activity Account Donations
E. Showcase and Recognitions
a. Track Team
b. Recognition of Susie Stanley's Retirement
F. Public Comment
a. Pursuant to Senate Bill 150 (2023), the Paris Board of Education will have a first reading at its special called meeting on June 29, 2023 (5:00 p.m.) of a new proposed district policy, BP 09.141, which addresses student privacy rights. Public comment on this proposed policy can be given during the time set aside for public comment.
G. Presentations
H. Consent Agenda
a. Approve Bills, Salaries, and Wages
b. Approve Treasurer's Report
c. Approve Superintendent's Expense Report
d. Approve Fundraiser Request for Middle School Football to Sell Calendar Days, T-shirts, Concessions, Trash Pick Ups
e. Approve Retroactively to add Juneteenth as a Holiday
f. Approve KEDC Membership for the 2023-2024 School Year
g. Approve General Liability Insurance Agreement for 2023-2024 School Year
h. Approve Cyber Insurance Agreement for 2023-2024 School Year
i. Approve Workers Compensation Agreement for 2023-2024 School Year
j. Approve Salary Schedule for the 2023-2024 School Year
II. Old Business
III. New Business
A. Consider Motion to Approve the 2023-2024 Certified Evaluation Plan
B. Consider Motion to Approve 1st Reading of KSBA Policy and Procedure Updates
C. Consider Motion to Approve Emergency Reading of Policy 8.23 "Harmful to Minors" and 8.113 "Graduation Requirements"
D. Consider Motion to Approve Emergency Substitutes for the 2023-2024 School Year
E. Consider Motion to Enter into Executive Session Per KRS 61.810(1)(f) and (k), to discuss a student admission/discipline issue, including a review of confidential student records.
F. Consider Motion to Exit into Executive Session Per KRS 61.810(1)(f) and (k), to discuss a student admission/discipline issue, including a review of confidential student records.
G. Consider Motion to Accept or Deny Enrollment Based on Closed Session Discussion
IV. Superintendent's Report
A. Banking Services to Bid
B. Facilities Update
C. Calendar
V. Board Comments
VI. Adjournment
