I. Call to Order | |
A. Approve to Appoint Elaine Martin to fill the vacancy created on August 31, 2023 in the seat Division #4 formerly held by April Smith | |
B. Roll Call | |
C. Pledge of Allegiance | |
D. Moment of Silence | |
E. Menifee County School District: Values, Beliefs and Goals | |
F. Adopt Agenda | |
II. Presentations | |
A. Student Recognitions/Staff Recognitions | |
B. Reports | |
1. Treasurer Reports | Lorri Bartley |
a. MUNIS Balance Sheets | |
b. Monthly Financial Report | |
c. Bank Reconciliation | |
d. Cash Flow Statement | |
2. PDSA Report/Directors Report/CTE Coordinator Report/Alternative Report/Transportation Report/Facilities/Maintenance Report | |
3. Principal Update/Instructional Support | |
III. Student Learning and Support Items Recommended for Approval | |
1. Board Minutes | |
2. Subsequent Claims, Current Claims and Salaries (Bills for Payment) | |
3. Approve to Close 2011 and 2012 Bond Bank Accounts | |
4. Approve Menifee Central Fundraiser - Ornament Sales | |
5. Approve MCHS Girls Basketball Fundraiser - Christmas Parade | |
6. Approve Out of State/Overnight FBLA Trip to North Carolina for Operation Christmas Child, December 1, 2023 | |
7. Approve to Pay AP Teacher Stipends per Advance Kentucky | |
8. Approve 2023-2024 Food Service Agreement with Gateway Community Services | |
9. Approve to Apply for the Early Learning Bus Grant with KDE | |
10. Approve Contract with Patricia Williams for Speech Therapy Services for the 2023-2024 School Year | |
11. Approve to Accept First Offer of Assistance for FY2024 KETS | |
1. Approve Board of Education Member to the 24-25 School Calendar Committee | |
IV. Personnel Notification | |
V. Informational Items | |
A. Monthly Community Report | Melanie Golden |
VI. KSBA 2023 Regional Meetings | |
VII. Communication/Sharing (All Present) | |
VIII. Adjournment | |