1. Call to Order | |
2. Discussion and possible action on tonight's agenda | |
3. Pledge of Allegiance & Silent Devotion | |
4. Discussion and possible action on appointing Board Chair for 2024 | |
5. Discussion and possible action on appointing Board Vice-Chair for 2024 | |
6. Discussion and possible action on appointing Board Secretary for 2024 | |
7. Discussion and possible action on appointing Board Treasurer for 2024 | |
8. Board Appreciation - Proclamation | Lowell Rice |
9. Student Spotlight-Bath County High School | |
10. Superintendent & Board Communications: | |
a. Personnel Actions | |
b. Fundraisers | |
11. Discussion and possible action approving the following items: | |
a. December 14, 2023 Minutes | |
b. December Financial Statement | |
c. Claims | |
d. Superintendent Expenditures | |
e. Travel | |
f. Use of Facility | |
g. Review of all monthly financial reports of all funds | |
h. Pay bills through January 31, 2024 | |
i. Approval for board members to attend conferences & meetings to obtain required hours for the full calendar year of 2024 | |
j. Synergy Test & Balance Invoice $1,266.50 | |
k. Acceptance of Offer of Assistance from the School Facilities Construction Commission in the amount of $23,994.52 | |
l. Discussion and possible action to approve the MOA with EKU to allow student teachers to be placed in Bath County Schools. | |
m. Discussion and possible action to approve the request to publish RFP for UPS replacements. | |
n. Discussion and possible action on approving the request to apply for the FY24 Preschool Quality Partnership Grant | |
o. Discussion and possible action on approving Bath County School District Assurance Certification FY's 24-26. | |
p. Discussion and possible action to approve the FRYSC contracts for 2024-2026 | |
q. EM24 Fire Alarm Monitoring Agreement for PK1323 Bath County High School LAVEC | |
12. Public Comments | |
13. Discussion and possible action to approve Tim Bailey's track sign. | Mr. Tim Thompson |
14. Discussion and possible action on approving the Change Order Proposal for PR 12-Gym Lobby Roof Parapet Replacement | |
15. Discussion and possible action on approving the Change Order Proposal PR 14 - Ceiling Replacement Credit. | |
16. Discussion and possible action on approving the Change Order Proposal for PR 04 - Overhead Coiling Door Electrical Modification. (2 Options) | |
17. Discussion and possible action on approving a credit of $325.00 for Change Order 260-01 | |
18. Discussion and possible action on the Approval of Special Inspections Invoice from LE Gregg for the BCHS Miscellaneous Renovations project BG#22-376 | |
19. Presentation of RTA of the final renderings for the new Bath County Middle School. | |
20. Discussion & possible action to amend the 2023-2024 calendar. | Mrs. Liz Watkins |
21. Discussion and possible action to approve the 24-25 School Calendar | Mrs. Liz Watkins |
22. Discussion and possible action to approve Bath County School District Improvement Plan (CDIP & CSIP) for all schools. | |
23. Discussion and possible action on purchasing 2 new Blue Bird Buses | |
24. Discussion and possible action on approving the 2024 calendar for the board meetings (location/date/time) | |
25. Other Business | |
26. Adjourn | |