1. Call to Order | |
2. Discussion and possible action on approving tonight's agenda | |
3. Pledge of Allegiance & Silent Devotion | |
4. Student Spotlight- Bath County High School | |
5. Superintendent & Board Communication | |
a. Personnel Actions | |
b. Fundraisers | |
6. Discussion and possible action on approving the following items: | |
a. Minutes - August 21 & September 5, 2023 | |
b. August Financial Statement | |
c. Claims | |
d. Superintendent Expenditures | |
e. Travel | |
f. Use of Facility | |
g. Review of all monthly financial reports of all funds | |
h. Pay bills through September 30, 2023 | |
i. FY24 Working Budget | |
j. Postage Machine Agreement with Central Business Systems, Inc. | |
k. Migrant MOA | |
l. TAR Report | Dr. Emily Barber |
7. Public Comments | |
8. Discussion and possible action on the Special Inspections Proposal for the BCHS LAVEC project BG # 22-520 | |
9. Discuss and possible action on approving the Special Inspections invoice from LE Gregg for the Bath County High School Miscellaneous Renovations project, BG#22-376. | |
10. Discussion and possible action on the Approval of Topographic Survey revised proposal of $13,665 from Thoroughbred for an additional $2,665 to locate underground utilities for the Bath County High School Miscellaneous Renovations project, BG#22-376. | |
11. Discussion and possible action on approving the Topographic Survey invoice from Thoroughbred for the Bath County High School Miscellaneous Renovations project, BG#22-376. | |
12. Discussion and possible action in 2024-25 School Calendar Committee Formation | Mrs. Liz Watkins |
13. Discussion and possible action to set Tax Hearing date | |
14. Other Business | |
15. Adjourn | |