Board of Education Regular Meeting
April 24, 2023 7:00 PM
Bath County High School, Auditorium

Growing Minds, Empowering Leaders, Transforming OUR Future!
1. Call to Order
2. Discussion and possible action on tonight's agenda
3. Pledge of Allegiance & Silent Devotion
4. Superintendent & Board Communication
a. Personnel Actions
5. Student Spotlight Bath County Middle School
6. MTSS PresentationMs. Stefanie Donohew
7. Discussion and possible action on the following consent items:
a. March 16, & April 18, 2023 Minutes
b. March Financial Statement
c. Superintendent Expenditures
d. Claims
e. Fundraising
f. Use of Facility
g. Travel
h. Grant(s)
i. Updated Job Description
j. Review of all monthly reports of all funds
k. Pay bills through April 30, 2023
l. K9 Resources Safe & Drug Free Service Agreement 2023-24SY
m. Discussion and possible action to approve 504 Chairperson(s) as presented for the 2023-24 SY
n. Discussion and possible action to approve the Admissions and Release Committee (ARC) as presented for the 2023-24 SY
o. Review Kentucky Department of Education Indirect Cost Report for FY23-24
p. Advertise for RFP/bids for Security and Surveillance Systems
q. Pathways MOU
r. FY23 Annual Audit Firm Contract
s. 2023-24 District Technology Plan
t. ezEdMed Service Subscription Agreement
8. Discussion and possible action on the Resolution of the Issuance of Revenue Bonds
9. Discussion and possible action on the selection of our Insurance Brokerage
10. Discussion and possible action to allow our insurance broker to bid out our insurance
11. Public Comments
12. Discussion and possible action to approve Capital Funds Request
13. Discussion and possible action on the final staffing allocations for all schools on May 1, 2023
14. Discussion and possible action on approving FY24 Bath County Board of Education Salary Schedules
15. Other Business
16. Motion to go in executive session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1)(k) superintendent evaluation
17. Motion to come out of executive session and take any necessary action
18. Adjourn
