1. Call to Order | |
2. Discussion and possible action on tonight's agenda | |
3. Pledge of Allegiance & Silent Devotion | |
4. Discussion and possible action on appointing the Board Chair for 2023 | |
5. Discussion and possible action on appointing the Vice-Chair for 2023 | |
6. Discussion and possible action on appointing the Board Secretary for 2023 | |
7. Discussion and possible action on appointing the Board Treasurer for 2023 | |
8. School Board Appreciation- Proclamation | |
9. Superintendent & Board Communication | |
a. Personnel Actions | |
10. Student Spotlight- Owingsville Elementary School | |
11. Discussion and possible action to approve the following items: | |
a. December 19, 2022, minutes | |
b. December Financial Statement | Mrs. Brittany Combs |
c. Superintendent Expenditures | |
d. Claims | Mrs. Brittany Combs |
e. Fundraising | |
f. Travel | |
g. Use of Facility | |
h. Review of all monthly reports of all funds | Mrs. Brittany Combs |
i. Approval for board members to attend conferences and meetings to obtain required training hours for the calendar year of 2023 | |
j. Extend Audit Contract with KGSG, PSC for one additional year | Mrs. Brittany Combs |
k. FY23 Draft Budget | |
l. Discussion and possible action to approve a District Facilities Plan-Local Planning Committee Facilitator | Dr. Melton |
12. Public Comments | |
13. Discussion and possible action to advertise for “Letters of Interest” for the Bath County Middle School Renovation Project Project. | Dr. Melton |
14. Discussion and possible action on the second reading of updating policies based upon KSBA recommendations | |
15. Discussion and possible action on approving the 2023 calendar for the monthly board meeting(location/date/time) | |
16. Other Business | |
17. Discussion and possible action to go in executive session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1)(c) possible litigation | |
18. Motion to come out of executive session and take any necessary action | |
19. Adjourn | |