Board of Education Regular Meeting
September 26, 2022 7:00 PM
Bath County High School, Auditorium

Growing Minds, Empowering Leaders, Transforming OUR Future!
1. Call to Order
2. Discussion and possible action on approving tonight's agenda
3. Pledge of Allegiance & Silent Devotion
4. Student Spotlight- Crossroads Elementary School
5. Superintendent & Board Communication
6. Superintendent Personnel Actions
7. Discussion and possible action on approving the following items:
a. Minutes- August 22, & September 19, 2022
b. August Financial Statement
c. Claims
d. Superintendent Expenditures
e. Fundraising
f. Travel
g. Use of Facility
h. Grant(s)
i. Review of all monthly financial reports of all funds
j. FY22 Technology Activity Report
k. FY23 Working Budget
l. Accept bids for two board maintenance vehicles
m. Accept bids for OES playground outdoor classroom equipment
n. Request bids for sale of solar car and equipment
o. Request bids for CES WAN and MIBS
p. Approve Municipal Advisory Services Agreement with RSA Advisors
q. Approve Investments with US Bank
r. FY23 KCTCS Moa for Migrant Education
8. Public Comments
9. Discussion and possible action to approve second reading of revised policy 09.33 Fund Raising Activities
10. Discussion and possible action to approve second reading on revised policy 03.4 Substitute TeachersSupt. Steven Evans
11. Discussion and possible action to approved revised FY23 Certified Substitute Pay ScaleSupt. Steven Evans
12. Discussion and possible action to approve updated Director of Pupil Personnel Job Description
13. Discussion and possible action for site drainage issueSupt. Steven Evans
14. Other Business
15. Adjourn
