I. 5:00-6:00 PM Retirement Celebration
| |
II. Call to Order | |
A. Welcome/Pledge | |
B. Reminder to Sign In | |
C. Revisions | |
III. Presentations | |
A. South Irvine Early Learning Center Presentation | |
B. Student Technology Leadership Program Recognition | |
C. Skills USA Competition | |
D. Retiree Recognition | |
IV. Action Items | |
A. Consideration/Approval of the following Out of State Trips | |
1. Estill County Boys Basketball Team to Indiana | |
B. Consideration/Approval Food Service Requirements
| |
1. Community Eligibility Provision Intent to Participate | |
2. NSLP Indirect Cost | |
C. Consideration/Approval of the 2024-2025 Fuel Bid | |
D. Consideration/Approval FY25 Tentative Budget | |
E. Consideration/Approval of Board Member Resignation | |
V. Consent Items | |
A. Approve Minutes of April 18, 2024 Regular Meeting | |
B. Approve Treasurer's Report and Payment of Bills | |
C. Approve Superintendent Travels | |
D. Approve Technology Surplus | |
E. Approve the use of Emergency Substitutes for the 2024-2025 School Year | |
F. Other: | |
VI. Superintendent's Report | |
A. Update | |
B. Notification of Personnel Actions | |
C. School Update: Enrollment Attendance, etc. | |
VII. Principal's Report | |
VIII. Board Member Forum | |
IX. Public Comments | |
X. Adjourn | |