I. Call To Order | |
A. Welcome/Pledge | |
B. Reminder to Sign In | |
C. Revisions | |
II. Recognitions | |
A. South Irvine Early Learning Center Presentation | |
III. Facilities/Construction Updates | |
A. Estill Springs Elementary School BG #22-207 | |
1. Update | |
2. Consideration/Approval of the following Change Orders 3-1-1, 3-4-1,12-4-1 | |
1. Change Order 3-1-1 Lee Builiding Products | |
2. Change Order 3-4-1 Triplecrown Concrete | |
3. Change Order 12-4-1 Rexel USA, Inc. | |
B. ADA Upgrades project, BG#23-087 | |
1. Update | |
2. Consideration/Approval of a deductive DPO Change Orders for Contractors Choice & Davis Elliot to reconcile final DPO amounts for the Estill County Safety and ADA Upgrades project, BG#23-087 | |
1. Change Orders: CO 2253-01-03 | |
2. Change Orders: CO 2253-03-01 | |
3. Consideration/Approval of BG4 for the Estill County Safety and ADA Upgrades project, BG#23-087 | |
4. Consideration/Approval of Final Pay Application #5 with associated DPO invoicing for the Estill County Safety and ADA Upgrades project, BG#23-087 | |
IV. Action | |
A. Consideration/Approval Resolution Agreement to join the Central Kentucky Educational Cooperative. | |
B. Consideration/Approval of the Following Out of State Trips | |
1. FCCLA Capital Leadership Meeting in Washington D.C. on October 8-11 | |
2. FCCLA National Fall Meeting in Birmingham, AL, November 9-12. | |
C. Consideration/ Approval of Increase Credit on Credit Cards | |
D. Consideration/Approval FY24 Working Budget | |
E. Consideration/Approval Amend Salary Schedule for Substitute Pay | |
F. Consideration/Approval Position for Additional Instructional Coach | |
V. Consent | |
A. Approve Minutes of August 17, 2023 | |
B. Approve Treasurer's Report and Payment of Bills | |
C. Approve the Following MOA's | |
1. Gear Up | |
D. Approve the DATASEAM Equipment Participating Partner Agreement | |
VI. Superintendent's Report | |
A. Update | |
B. Notification of Personnel Action | |
C. School Update: Enrollment, Attendance, etc. | |
D. Fundraisers Report | |
VII. Principals Report | |
VIII. Board Member Forum | |
IX. Public Comments | |
X. Adjourn | |