Agenda Report

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MISSION: To achieve proficiency through a high quality education for all students in a safe and supportive environment.

Regular Board Meeting
June 15, 2023 5:00 PM
Estill County Board of Education
253 Main Street
Irvine, KY 40336

I. 5:00-6:00 Retirement Ceremony
II. Call to Order
A. Welcome/Pledge
B. Reminder to Sign In
C. Revisions
III. Recognitions
A. National Competition Participants
1. Estill County Area Technology Center HOSA
2. Estill County High School FBLA
B. Mountain Movers
C. NCEE's NISL Participants
D. Outgoing Student Representative Abby Smith
E. Retiree Recognition
IV. Facilities/Construction Updates
A. Estill Springs Elementary ARP ESSER Renovation and Addition Project (BG #22-207)
1. Update:
2. Consideration/Approval of Pay App #9 $328,726.32
B. Estill County Schools Safety and ADA Upgrades(BG23-087)
1. Update
2. Consideration/Approval Pay Application #2 for $119,094.76
C. District Facility Planning
1. Consideration/Approval Final 2023-2027 District Facility Plan
D. Consideration/Approval of the following Revised BG1's
1. West Irvine Intermediate Pavement Improvement project (BG#22-178)
2. Estill County Area Technology Center BG#18-361
3. Estill County High School Phase 7 Renovations project, BG# 21-055.
4. Estill Springs Elementary ARP ESSER Renovation and Addition Project (BG #22-207)
5. Estill County Schools Safety and ADA Upgrades(BG23-087)
E. Consideration/Approval of the following BG5's
1. West Irvine Intermediate Pavement Improvement project (BG#22-178)
2.  Estill County Area Technology Center (BG#18-361
3. Estill County High School Phase 7 Renovations project, BG# 21-055.
F. Estill County Schools Facility History 2000 – Present (No Action)
V. Action Items
A. Consider/ Approve KSBA Policy Update: Approve Annual Updates (First Reading) and Review of Procedure Updates
B. Consider/Approve all Handbooks for the FY23/24
1. Employee Handbook
2. Coaches Handbook
3. Sub Handbook
C. Consider/Approve Estill County Premium & Coverage Comparisons Property Insurance/ Workers Compensation
D. Consider/Approve Interagency Agreement South Central Headstart
E. Consider/Approve FY 24 Bond Depository
F. Consider/Approve Treasurer's Bond
G. Consider/Approve WLEX Marketing Agreement for Estill County Schools
VI. Consent Items
A. Approve Minutes of May 18, 2023 Regular Meeting
B. Approve The Treasurer's Report and Payment of Bills
C. Approve the List of Vendors For Transportation
D. Consider/Approve 2 Concession Manager Positions (Funded by ECAFFE)
E. Approve the SESC Membership invoice for $4,530.00
F. Approve the following MOAs
1. New Vista
2. Key Assets
G. Update to the Dataseam Agreement
VII. Superintendent's Report
A. Notification of Personnel Actions
B. School Update: End of Year Enrollment, Attendance, etc./Projected FY24 Enrollment
C. Fundraiser Reports
D. KSBA Summer Leadership Institute
E. Mountain Mushroom Festival Thank You Letter
F. District Accomplishments 2015 - 2023
VIII. Closed session pursuant to KRS 61.810, Paragraph (f), for the purpose of discussion which may lead to the appointment, discipline, or the dismissal of an individual student or employee
IX. Call Meeting Back In Open Session
X. Superintendent Evaluation
XI. Board Member Forum
XII. Public Comments
XIII. Adjourn
