I. Call To Order | |
A. Welcome/Pledge | |
B. Reminder to Sign In | |
C. Revisions | |
II. Recognitions | |
A. Mountain Movers | |
B. South Irvine Early Learning Center/Student Presentation | |
III. Facilities/Construction Updates | |
A. Estill Springs Elementary ARP ESSER Renovation and Addition Project (BG #22-207) | |
1. Update | |
2. Consideration/Approval of Pay Estimate 6 for $496,770.89. | |
B. Estill High School Fieldhouse Restroom Renovation project, BG#22-243 | |
1. Update | |
2. Consideration/Approval of Pay Application #3 with DPO Invoicing | |
C. West Irvine Pavement Improvements Project BG#22-178 | |
1. Update | |
2. Consideration/Approval of DPO Change Orders and Final DPO Reconciliation | |
3. Consideration/Approval of Final Pay Application (#4) | |
4. Consider/Approval of BG4 | |
D. South Irvine Renovation, BG#22-176 | |
1. Update | |
2. Consideration/Approval of Revised BG1 | |
3. Consideration/Approval of Final Pay Application #9 | |
4. Consideration/Approve of BG4 | |
E. Estill County Safety and ADA Upgrades, BG#23-087 | |
1. Update | |
2. Consideration/Approval of Change Order #2, additional Owner requested hardware on 3 doors at South Irvine | |
F. Estill County High School HVAC Controls, BG#22-177 | |
1. Update | |
G. Estill County KFICS/DFP Report (No Action Required) | |
IV. Action | |
A. Estill County Schools v. JUUL Labs, Inc. | |
B. Consider/Approve Resolution Authorizing Litigation Against Social Media Companies | |
C. Consider/Approval of Athletic Training MOA with Bluegrass Orthopedic | |
V. Consent | |
A. Approve Minutes of February 2023 | |
B. Approve the Treasurer's Report and Payment of Bills | |
C. Surplus Items | |
D. Extended Disability Leave | |
VI. Superintendent's Report | |
A. Notification of Personnel Action | |
B. School Update: Enrollment, Attendance, etc. | |
C. Partnership with APEX Physical Therapy: Community Partner in support of the Athletic Training Program | |
D. End-of-Year Dates | |
E. Fundraiser Reports | |
F. Land Use Opinion: Ross Tarrant Architects | |
G. Set Date for Budget Work Session | |
VII. Board Member Forum | |
VIII. Public Comments | |
IX. Adjourn | |