Agenda Report

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MISSION: To achieve proficiency through a high quality education for all students in a safe and supportive environment.

Regular Board Meeting
February 16, 2023 6:00 PM
Estill County Board of Education
253 Main Street
Irvine, KY 40336

I. Call to Order
A. Welcome/Pledge
B. Reminder to Sign In
C. Revisions
II. Recognitions
A. Mountain Movers
B. School/Student Presentation Estill County Middle School
C. EKU-SESC Experience Excellence Award Presentation – Dean Hunter
III. Facilities/Construction Updates
A. Estill County High School Phase 7 Renovation Project BG#21-055
1. Update
2. Consideration/Approval of Pay App #17 for $290,390.18
3. Consideration/Approval of Change Orders #12-1-1,13-1,13-2-1,13-5-1,15-9-1,15-12-1,15-21-1.
a. 12-1-1 R.L. Craig $(0.01)
b. 13-1-1 REXEL (198.76)
c. 13-2-1 GRAYBAR (626.64)
d. 13-5-1 ALL PHASE ELECTRIC (0.32)
e. 15-9-1 FORTERRA (2,795.28)
g. 15-21-1 MAPEI (9,790.00)
4. Consideration/Approval of BG4 for Standafer Builders, Inc, Carmicle Masonry, Kalkreuth Roofing & Sheet Metal, Lake Cumberland Glass, Bastin Painting, Inc, CDI Flooring, American Tile company, Inc., Toadvine Enterprises, C&C Industrial, LLC, Babcon Inc., and Rising Sun Developing Inc.
a. STANDAFER BUILDERS, INC. Total Cost of Construction $525,763.00
b. CARMICLE MASONRY Total Cost of Construction $442,184.75
c. KALKREUTH ROOFING & SHEET METALTotal Cost of Construction $320,704.34
d. LAKE CUMBERLAND GLASS Total Cost of Construction $128,634.90
e. BASTIN PAINTING, INC. Total Cost of Construction $101,337.45
f. CDI FLOORING Total Cost of Construction $52,506.00
g. AMERICAN TILE COMPANY, INC Total Cost of Construction $12,940.00
h. TOADVINE ENTERPRISES Total Cost of Construction $759,685.00
i. C&c INDUSTRIAL, INC Total Cost of Construction $1,500,821.76
j. BABCON, INC Total Cost of Construction $1,851,453.51
k. RISING SUN DEVELOPING, INC Total Cost of Construction $6,974,245.64
B. Estill Springs Elementary ARP ESSER Renovation and Addition Project (BG #22-207)
1. Update
2. Consideration/Approval of Pay Estimate 5 for Estill Springs Elementary School (BG #22-207) for $469,660.49
3. Consideration/Approval S&ME, Inc. Invoice 1165380 for Estill Elementary SI Project for $5,455.00
4. Consideration/Approval of Change Orders 02-01,02-02,02-03, and 02-04
a. Change Order 02-01 Rising Sun Developing, Inc. Total ($1,200.00)
b. Change Order 02-02 Rising Sun Developing, Inc. for $778.35
c. Change Order 02-03 Rising Sun Developing, Inc for $51,848.47.
d. Change Order 02-04 Rising Sun Developing, Inc. for $7,562.40.
C. West Irvine Pavement Improvements Project BG#22-178
1. Update
2.  Consideration/Approval of the DPO Invoicing
D. Estill High School Fieldhouse Restroom Renovation project, BG#22-243
1. Update
E. South Irvine Early Childhood Center ARP ESSER Renovation Project BG22-176
1. Update
2. Consideration/Approval of the DPO Invoicing
F. Estill County Safety and ADA Upgrades (South Irvine/Middle School Hardware), BG# 23-087 ;
1. Update
2. Consideration/Approval of Change Order #1 for the Estill County Safety and ADA Upgrades project, BG#23-087
G. Estill County High School HVAC Controls, BG#22-177
1. Update
IV. Action Items
A. Approve Student Accident Insurance Renewal
B. Approve 2023-2024 School Calendar
C. Approve School Staffing Policy FY24
D. Out-of-State Travel Request: Gear-up Summer College Road Trip.
E. Consider/Approval of Council for Better Education (CBE) HB 9 Resolution (Charter School Funding) and Legal Fee Assessment
V. Consent Items
A. Approve Minutes of January 19 Regular Meeting
B. Approve Treasurer's Report and Payment of Bills
C. Extra Service Pay Scale
D. Consider/Approval RFP for Auditor Services for FY23 School Year
E. EKU Advantage & EKU Dual Credit Agreements
F. Shuttle During Mushroom Festival April 29 and 30th.
G. SRO Contract FY 23-24
VI. Superintendent's Report
A. Notification of Personnel Actions
B. School Update: Enrollment, Attendance, etc.
C. Summer School Information
D. Estill County Schools Energy Management Measurement Package
E. Possible Refunding of Series 2013 Bonds.
F. KSBA: Estill County High School Jazz Band Performance.
G. Estill Springs Elementary/ Irvine High Memorial Park Dedication June 23, 2023.
VII. Board Member Forum
VIII. Public Comments
IX. Adjourn
