I. Call to Order | |
A. Welcome/Pledge | |
B. Reminder to Sign In | |
C. Revisions | |
II. Recognitions | |
A. Mountain Movers | |
B. School/Student Presentation Estill County Middle School | |
C. EKU-SESC Experience Excellence Award Presentation – Dean Hunter | |
III. Facilities/Construction Updates | |
A. Estill County High School Phase 7 Renovation Project BG#21-055 | |
1. Update | |
2. Consideration/Approval of Pay App #17 for $290,390.18 | |
3. Consideration/Approval of Change Orders #12-1-1,13-1,13-2-1,13-5-1,15-9-1,15-12-1,15-21-1. | |
a. 12-1-1 R.L. Craig $(0.01) | |
b. 13-1-1 REXEL (198.76) | |
c. 13-2-1 GRAYBAR (626.64) | |
d. 13-5-1 ALL PHASE ELECTRIC (0.32) | |
e. 15-9-1 FORTERRA (2,795.28) | |
f. 15-12-1 SPORTSFIELD SPECIALTIES (76.60) | |
g. 15-21-1 MAPEI (9,790.00) | |
4. Consideration/Approval of BG4 for
Standafer Builders, Inc, Carmicle Masonry, Kalkreuth Roofing & Sheet Metal, Lake Cumberland Glass, Bastin Painting, Inc, CDI Flooring, American Tile company, Inc., Toadvine Enterprises, C&C Industrial, LLC, Babcon Inc., and Rising Sun Developing Inc. | |
a. STANDAFER BUILDERS, INC. Total Cost of Construction $525,763.00 | |
b. CARMICLE MASONRY Total Cost of Construction $442,184.75 | |
c. KALKREUTH ROOFING & SHEET METALTotal Cost of Construction $320,704.34 | |
d. LAKE CUMBERLAND GLASS Total Cost of Construction $128,634.90 | |
e. BASTIN PAINTING, INC. Total Cost of Construction $101,337.45
| |
f. CDI FLOORING Total Cost of Construction $52,506.00
| |
g. AMERICAN TILE COMPANY, INC Total Cost of Construction $12,940.00
| |
h. TOADVINE ENTERPRISES Total Cost of Construction $759,685.00 | |
i. C&c INDUSTRIAL, INC Total Cost of Construction $1,500,821.76 | |
j. BABCON, INC Total Cost of Construction $1,851,453.51
| |
k. RISING SUN DEVELOPING, INC Total Cost of Construction $6,974,245.64
| |
B. Estill Springs Elementary ARP ESSER Renovation and Addition Project (BG #22-207) | |
1. Update | |
2. Consideration/Approval of Pay Estimate 5 for Estill Springs Elementary School (BG #22-207) for $469,660.49 | |
3. Consideration/Approval S&ME, Inc. Invoice 1165380 for Estill Elementary SI Project for $5,455.00 | |
4. Consideration/Approval of Change Orders 02-01,02-02,02-03, and 02-04 | |
a. Change Order 02-01 Rising Sun Developing, Inc. Total ($1,200.00) | |
b. Change Order 02-02 Rising Sun Developing, Inc. for $778.35 | |
c. Change Order 02-03 Rising Sun Developing, Inc for $51,848.47. | |
d. Change Order 02-04 Rising Sun Developing, Inc. for $7,562.40. | |
C. West Irvine Pavement Improvements Project BG#22-178 | |
1. Update | |
2. Consideration/Approval of the DPO Invoicing | |
D. Estill High School Fieldhouse Restroom Renovation project, BG#22-243 | |
1. Update | |
E. South Irvine Early Childhood Center ARP ESSER Renovation Project BG22-176 | |
1. Update | |
2. Consideration/Approval of the DPO Invoicing | |
F. Estill County Safety and ADA Upgrades (South Irvine/Middle School Hardware), BG# 23-087 ; | |
1. Update | |
2. Consideration/Approval of Change Order #1 for the Estill County Safety and ADA Upgrades project, BG#23-087 | |
G. Estill County High School HVAC Controls, BG#22-177 | |
1. Update | |
IV. Action Items | |
A. Approve Student Accident Insurance Renewal | |
B. Approve 2023-2024 School Calendar | |
C. Approve School Staffing Policy FY24 | |
D. Out-of-State Travel Request: Gear-up Summer College Road Trip. | |
E. Consider/Approval of Council for Better Education (CBE) HB 9 Resolution (Charter School Funding) and Legal Fee Assessment
| |
V. Consent Items | |
A. Approve Minutes of January 19 Regular Meeting | |
B. Approve Treasurer's Report and Payment of Bills | |
C. Extra Service Pay Scale | |
D. Consider/Approval RFP for Auditor Services for FY23 School Year | |
E. EKU Advantage & EKU Dual Credit Agreements | |
F. Shuttle During Mushroom Festival April 29 and 30th. | |
G. SRO Contract FY 23-24 | |
VI. Superintendent's Report | |
A. Notification of Personnel Actions | |
B. School Update: Enrollment, Attendance, etc. | |
C. Summer School Information | |
D. Estill County Schools Energy Management Measurement Package | |
E. Possible Refunding of Series 2013 Bonds.
| |
F. KSBA: Estill County High School Jazz Band Performance. | |
G. Estill Springs Elementary/ Irvine High Memorial Park Dedication June 23, 2023. | |
VII. Board Member Forum | |
VIII. Public Comments | |
IX. Adjourn | |