I. Call to Order | |
A. Welcome/Pledge | |
B. Reminder to Sign In | |
C. Revisions | |
II. Recognitions | |
A. Mountain Movers | |
B. School/Student Presentation High School | |
C. School Board Recognition | |
III. Facilities/Construction Updates | |
A. Estill County High School Phase 7 Renovation Project BG#21-055 | |
1. Update | |
2. Consideration/Approval of Pay App #16 for $661,153.57 | |
B. Estill Springs Elementary ARP ESSER Renovation and Addition Project | |
1. Update | |
2. Consideration/Approval of Pay Estimate #4 for $321,879.69 | |
3. Consideration/Approval of S&ME, Inc. Invoice 1162398 for Estill Springs Elementary SI Project in the amount of $4 645.00 | |
C. South Irvine Renovation Project, BG# 22-176. | |
1. Update | |
2. Consideration/Approval of Direct Purchase Invoicing for the amount of $70,554.83 | |
D. Estill County Safety and ADA Upgrades (South Irvine/Middle School Hardware), BG# 23-087 | |
1. Update | |
IV. Action Items | |
A. Approve Draft Budget | |
B. Approve School Nutrition & Activity Report | |
C. Approve Community Members of LPC for District Facility Planning Process | |
V. Consent Items | |
A. Approve Minutes of December 15 Regular Meeting and January 3rd Special Called Meeting | |
B. Approve Treasurer's Report and Payment of Bills | |
C. The American Red Cross (ARC) Bluegrass Chapter MOA | |
D. Technology Recycling | |
E. Review of Audit Document Approved At the Regular Board Meeting December 2022 | |
VI. Superintendent's Report | |
A. Notification of Personnel Actions | |
B. Energy Star | |
C. HB 9 Charter Funding Litigation | |
D. School Update: Enrollment, Attendance, etc | |
E. 2023 KSBA Annual Conference | |
VII. Board Member Forum | |
A. Superintendent Search Committee Membership | |
VIII. Public Comments | |
IX. Adjourn | |