To provide the knowledge, skills, and opportunities our students need to realize their full potential and achieve lifelong success the Erlanger-Elsmere Schools are committed to creating a community of Empowerment, Growth, and Respect.
I. Call to Order | |
A. Open Meeting | |
B. Pledge to the Flag | |
II. Appoint Temporary Chairperson | |
III. Nominations for Chairperson | |
IV. Election of Chairperson | |
V. Nominations for Vice Chairperson | |
VI. Election of Vice Chairperson | |
VII. Set Meeting Date and Time for the Second Thursday of Each Month at 7:00 PM | |
VIII. Appoint Chad Molley as Secretary to the Board | |
IX. Appoint Chad Molley as Treasurer to the Board | |
X. Presentations | |
A. Construction and Facilities Update | Noah Onkst |
B. Miles Elementary School | Mrs. Connelly |
XI. Reports | |
A. Schools, District Personnel, and Department Supervisors | |
B. Grants Report | |
C. Student Board Member Report | |
D. Kentucky Summative Assessment (KAS) Report | |
E. Annual Nutrition and Physical Activity Report | |
F. Personnel Report | |
G. Transportation Report | |
H. Fundraising Report | |
XII. Individuals Desiring to Speak to the Board | |
XIII. Approve December 12, 2024 Monthly Board Meeting Minutes | |
XIV. Bond Resolution | |
XV. Consent Agenda | |
A. Authorize Treasurer to pay bills from General Funds and Special Programs | |
B. Authorize Treasurer to pay January Salaries | |
C. Approve Detailed Monthly Report and Balance Sheets for December 2024 to be posted on the District website for a six-month period (House Bill 154) | |
D. Approve the FY 2026 Draft Budget | |
E. Approve the Revised School Improvement Plan for Tichenor Middle School | |
F. Approve the BG4 for the Lloyd High School Stadium Turf and Bleachers (REH #127-522-A / BG #22-476) | |
G. Approve the BG4 for the Erlanger-Elsmere Independent Schools Boiler Replacements (Miles and Lindeman Elementary Schools) (REH #127-1222 / BG #23-307) | |
XVI. Adjourn | |