1. Call to Order | David Latherow |
1. Pledge to the Flag | David Latherow |
2. Discussion and possible approval of minutes from the Regular Meeting of February 26, 2024 and Special Meeting of March 5, 2024 | David Latherow |
3. Communications | David Latherow |
1. Head Start PIR Report | Phillip Caudill |
2. Discussion and possible approval of a revised shortened day waiver for a student at Oakview | Phillip Caudill |
3. Discussion and possible approval of a shortened day waiver for a student at AMS | Phillip Caudill |
4. Blazer Academic Team Update | Eric Lambert |
5. Ashland Middle School CSIP | Rebecca Howell |
6. Construction Update | Richard Oppenheimer |
1. Discussion and possible approval of bidding for disposal of solid waste for the district | Richard Oppenheimer |
2. Discussion and possible approval of the payment to Allen Construction in the amount of $4,000.00 as final payment for services on the Hillside Stabilization Project for roadway improvement/corrections | Richard Oppenheimer |
3. Discussion and possible approval of proposal for surveys | Richard Oppenheimer |
7. Public Comments | David Latherow |
4. Treasurer's Action Items | |
1. Discussion and possible approval of FY2024 KETS 2nd offer of assistance in the amount of $23,906 | David Greene |
2. Discussion and possible approval of FY2025 Student Accident Insurance through Roberts Insurance | David Greene |
3. Discussion and possible approval of a copier lease agreement for Oakview Elementary | David Greene |
5. Treasurer's Consent | David Greene |
1. Approve Bills for March 2024 as presented by Board Treasurer | |
2. Approve Head Start bills for March 2024 as presented by Board Treasurer | |
3. Approve salaries for March 2024 in accordance with the 2023-2024 salary schedule | |
4. Approve Head Start salaries for March 2024 in accordance with the 2023-2024 salary schedule | |
6. New Business Action Items | |
1. Discussion and possible approval of the 2023-2024 Revised Calendar | Christine Scott |
7. New Business Consent | David Latherow |
1. Fundraisers | |
2. Trips | |
8. Personnel Action | |
1. Discussion and possible approval of the revised job description for Early Childhood Behavior Specialist | Stacey Stevens |
2. Discussion and possible approval of the revised job description for Early Childhood Specialist | Stacey Stevens |
9. Personnel for Board Information Only in Accordance with KRS 160.390 | David Latherow |
10. Board Discussion | David Latherow |
1. Approval of Closed/Executive Session per KRS 61.801 (1)(f) to discuss Superintendent Evaluation | David Latherow |
2. Approval of exiting Closed Executive Session | David Latherow |
11. Adjourn | David Latherow |