Agenda Report

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Ashland Board of Education
January 22, 2024 5:15 PM
Regular Meeting
1820 Hickman Street
Ashland, KY 41101

1. Call to OrderDavid Latherow
1. Pledge to the FlagDavid Latherow
2. Discussion and possible approval of minutes from the Regular Meeting of December 18, 2023, Organizational Meeting of January 5, 2024, and Special Meeting of January 5, 2024David Latherow
3. CommunicationsDavid Latherow
1. AMS & Poage Student Showcase
2. Public CommentsDavid Latherow
3. Construction UpdateRichard Oppenheimer
1. Putnam Stadium Renovation ProjectGreg Jackson
2. Discussion and possible approval of the final plans and specifications for Putnam Stadium RenovationRichard Oppenheimer
3. Discussion and possible approval of the BG-3 for the Putnam Stadium RenovationRichard Oppenheimer
4. Discussion and possible approval of the additional survey work connected to the Putnam Stadium Renovation Richard Oppenheimer
5. Discussion and possible approval of the BG-1 for property acquisition, Project 24-181Richard Oppenheimer
6. Discussion and possible approval of the BG-1 for property acquisition, project 24-182Richard Oppenheimer
4. Head Start PIR ReportPhillip Caudill
4. Treasurer's Action Items
1. Discussion and possible approval of the FY 2025 Draft BudgetDavid Greene
2. Discussion and possible approval of three (3) new bus purchases through KISTADavid Greene
5. Treasurer's ConsentDavid Greene
1. Approve Bills for January 2024 as presented by Board Treasurer
2. Approve Head Start bills for January 2024 as presented by Board Treasurer
3. Approve salaries for January 2024 in accordance with the 2023-2024 salary schedule
4. Approve Head Start salaries for January 2024 in accordance with the 2023-2024 salary schedule
6. New Business Action Items
1. Upon the recommendation of AMS Principal Rebecca Howell, discussion and possible approval of accepting the resignation of the AMS Cheer Booster President and SecretaryRebecca Howell
2. Upon the recommendation of AMS Principal Rebecca Howell, discussion and possible approval of the permanent dissolution of the AMS Cheer Booster ClubRebecca Howell
3. Discussion and possible approval of the Family Resource and Youth Services Centers School District Assurance CertificationsPhillip Caudill
4. Discussion and possible approval of the Shortened School Day Waiver Request for a student at Poage Elementary SchoolPhillip Caudill
5. Discussion and possible approval of the proposed speech contractor for maternity leave for Hager/CrabbePhillip Caudill
6. Discussion and possible approval of the Affiliation Agreement for Social Work Field Education between the Department of Social Work at Marshall University College of Health Professions (MUCOHP) and the Ashland Board of Education for the purpose of establishing a field education program for experiential training of students in the Marshall University Social Work BSW and MSW Programs pending Board Attorney approvalPhillip Caudill
7. New Business ConsentDavid Latherow
1. Donations
8. Old and Unfinished BusinessDavid Latherow
1. Second reading and adoption of the new "Board of Education Public Comments Policy"Ashley Layman
9. Personnel for Board Information Only in Accordance with KRS 160.390David Latherow
10. Personnel ActionDavid Latherow
1. Discussion and possible approval of the revision to the Substitute Teacher Salary ScheduleDavid Greene
11. Board DiscussionDavid Latherow
12. AdjournDavid Latherow
