Agenda Report

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Ashland Board of Education
December 18, 2023 5:15 PM
Regular Meeting
1820 Hickman Street
Ashland, KY 41101

1. Call to OrderAshley Layman
1. Pledge to the FlagAshley Layman
2. Discussion and possible approval of minutes from the Regular Meeting of November 27, 2023Ashley Layman
3. CommunicationsAshley Layman
1. Public Comments
2. Construction UpdateRichard Oppenheimer
1. Putnam Stadium Renovation ProjectBen Boggs,
Clotfelter Samokar
2. Discussion and possible approval of the schematic plans for the Putnam Stadium Renovation ProjectRichard Oppenheimer
3. Head Start PIR ReportPhillip Caudill
4. Treasurer's Action Items
1. Discussion and possible approval of the KASS Annual Membership Dues for Superintendent Howard in the amount of $1,750.00David Greene
5. Treasurer's ConsentDavid Greene
1. Approve Bills for December 2023 as presented by Board Treasurer
2. Approve Head Start bills for December 2023 as presented by Board Treasurer
3. Approve salaries for December 2023 in accordance with the 2023-2024 salary schedule
4. Approve Head Start salaries for December 2023 in accordance with the 2023-2024 salary schedule
6. New Business Action Items
1. Discussion and possible approval of the District Fiber Bid for 100 gb service from WANrack in the amount of $234.00 per month and a one-time special construction cost for the hanging of new fiber in the amount of $77,047.00.Cary Williams & Lennie Oxyer
2. First reading of the new "Board of Education Public Comments Policy"Ashley Layman
7. New Business ConsentAshley Layman
1. Approve Fundraisers as listed
2. Surplus Items
3. Donations
8. Old and Unfinished Business
1. Second Reading and adoption of the amendment of Policy 09.436Phillip Caudill
9. Personnel for Board Information Only in Accordance with KRS 160.390
10. Personnel Action
1. Discussion and possible approval of removing the cap placed on the Daily Wage Threshold of retired teachers who return to work in a full-time capacityD. Sean Howard
11. Board Discussion
1. Motion and approval of moving into Closed/Executive Session for deliberations on the future acquisition or sale of real property by a public agency, but only when publicity would be likely to affect the value of a specific piece of property to be acquired for public use or sold by a public agency, pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1) (b) and per KRS 61.801(1)(f) to discuss Superintendent EvaluationAshley Layman
2. Motion to exit Executive SessionAshley Layman
12. AdjournAshley Layman
