1. Call to Order | Ashley Layman |
2. Motion and approval of moving into Closed/Executive Session for deliberations on the future acquisition or sale of real property by a public agency, but only when publicity would be likely to affect the value of a specific piece of property to be acquired for public use or sold by a public agency, pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1) (b) | Ashley Layman |
3. Motion to exit Closed Session | Ashley Layman |
4. Approve letter of request from the Ashland Board of Education to inspect property at 2138 Galloway Street, Ashland, KY for potential purchase | Ashley Layman |
5. Approve letter of request from the Ashland Board of Education to inspect property at 2140 Galloway Street, Ashland, KY for potential purchase | Ashley Layman |
6. Adjourn | Ashley Layman |