Agenda Report

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SBDM Special Called Meeting
July 22, 2024 12:30 PM
Conference Room

I. Call to Order/Roll Call
II. Mission and Vision
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. New Business
A. Policy Readings
1. 1st Readings
a. Committees
b. Discipline and Classroom Management and Safety
c. Enhancing Student Achievement
d. Instructional and Non-instructional Staff Time Assignment
e. Instructional Practices
f. Parent and Family Engagement
g. Program Appraisal
h. School Day and Week Schedule
i. School Space Use
j. Student Assignment
k. Technology Use
2. 2nd Reading and Adoption
a. Curriculum Responsibilities Policy
b. Discipline, Classroom Management and School Safety Policy
B. Fundraisers
1. Girls Basketball-Middle School
a. Calendar Fundraiser
V. Consider Approval of Entering Closed Session
A. Per KRS 61.810(1)(f) Consider approval of entering into closed sessions to:
1. Interview applicants for the positions of:
a. High School Head Softball Coach
VI. Consider Approval of Resuming Open Session
VII. Action Resulting from Closed Session
VIII. Public Comments
IX. Adjournment
