Agenda Report

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Breathitt SBDM Advisory Council Meeting
March 09, 2020 3:30 PM
Breathitt High School Conference Room

I. Call to Order/Roll Call
II. Review of Mission and Vision Statement
III. Review of Superintendent and State Managers Approval
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Approval of Minutes
A. Consider approval of minutes from the following meetings: February 4th, 2020 and February 11th, 2020.
VI. New Business
A. Consider Approval for the Fundraiser for Breathitt Baseball to raise funds for travel - Basketball Tournament -March 14th and March 16th - Sponsors - Alex Hamilton, Tim Gross and the baseball parents.
B. Consider approval for the fundraiser to raise money for equipment- Breathitt Baseball-5k- will be put into Booster Acct.- Sponsors Alex Hamilton and Verna Stacy. April 18th, 2020
C. Consider approval of fundraisers for the expense of travel, team equiptment, and apparel: Sponsors -Alex Hamilton-Sponsorships for signs for the field-ongoing
D. Consider approval for the fundraisers for Girls HS Basketball to raise money for team gear. travel expenses and camp costs- Sponsors: Derek Goff, Rachael Durham and Lorna Bush- Candleberry- April 15th-April 29th, 2020
E. Consider approval of fundraiser for HS Girls Basketball to raise money for travel, camp fees and team gear. Sponsored by Derek Goff, Rachael Durham and Lorna Bush. Selling Krispy Kreme- March 11th-March 25th 2020
F. Consider approval of fundraisers for the HS Girls Basketball for travel expenses, camp costs and team gear-Middle and High School Shoot A Thon- June 13th and June 14 2020. Sponsors-Derek Goff, Rachael Durham, and Lorna Bush
G. Consider approval of fundraisers for the HS Girls Basketball for travel expenses, camp costs and team gear-Middle and High School -Car Wash and Bake Sale- May 9 and May 16th 2020. Sponsors-Derek Goff, Rachael Durham, and Lorna Bush
VII. School Improvement
A. Turnaround Team
1. Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
B. Allocations 2020-21 School Year
VIII. Behavior
A. Consider approval of the discussion regarding the presentation of behavior data.
IX. Finance Report
X. Public Comment
XI. Closed Session
A. Per KRS (1)(f) Consider approval of entering into Closed Session to discuss the personal matters relating to interviews being conducted and recommendations being made regarding a Special Education Teacher and an E-Sports Leader.
XII. Consider Approval of resuming Open Session.
XIII. Action resulting from Closed Session.
XIV. Adjournment
