Agenda Report

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Regular Meeting
August 14, 20247:00 PM

School Cafeteria

1. Call to Order
2. Block Consent Agenda (to be approved as one block unit)
A. Minutes of Board Meeting - July 10, 2024
B. Minutes of Working Session August 7, 2024
C. Modified School Day for 2 students
D. Superintendent Leave
E. Move October 16 Board meeting to October 23
F. Declaration for Emergency Certifications
G. Fall/Winter Sports Coaching List
H. KDE Assurances
I. Overnight/Out of State Trips
J. Claims
3. Finance Director's Report
4. Monthly Items
A. Superintendent Report - Mr. Begley
1. Personnel Report -
B. Academic Update - Mr. Lemonds
1. Beginning of School Year
C. Action Items
1. Approval - 2024-25 Meal Prices
2. Approval - Burgin City Hall Request to use parking lot for Car Show on September 14, 2024
5. Move into Executive Session
6. Return from Executive Session
7. Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 11, at 7:00 pm in the School Cafeteria
8. Adjournment
