Agenda Report

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Work Session Agenda

September 09, 2024

5:00 PM

Frank R. Hatfield Administrative Center
1040 Highway 44 East
Shepherdsville, KY 40165


Adopt the agenda as presented.
a. Audience Comments (15 Minutes)

Approve Consent Items as presented (amended), noting that all items have been studied with individual recommendations and rationale being provided prior to the meeting in the full Board packet on Friday, September 6, 2024, which is available online.
a. Envision Learning Partners, Inc. Services AgreementAdrienne Usher
The attached contract is between Bullitt County Public Schools and Envision Learning Partners (ELP), Inc. BCPS partnered with ELP years ago to help co-create our current Graduate Profile competencies and indicators. In addition, they most recently worked with our teachers in spring 2024  to facilitate development of our Graduate Profile Performance Outcomes. As a requirement of BCPS receiving the Phase II Innovative School Systems Grant, funds have to be spent on continuing to create more innovative learning and assessment practices and systems within our classrooms with input of teachers based on the submitted grant application. This contract is for a strategic planning day with an ELP consultant to begin development of a competency-based assessment system to assess academic standards and our Graduate Profile competencies aligned with our instructional vision. The contract and included travel expenses will be paid for through the Phase II Innovative School Systems Grant (ISSG) for a total cost of $4500. The agreement has been reviewed by Dinsmore & Shohl, LLC. Approval is requested of the services agreement between Envision Learning Partners, Inc and Bullitt County Public Schools.
b. Travel Before Regular Board MeetingAdrienne Usher
TRAVEL - Sept 30, 2024- Monthly Meeting
School Activity Destination Location Date Cost to Student Travel by: Trip ID
NBHS ROTC 1 Eastern High School Louisville, KY 9/19/2024 $0 Commercial R502894
NBHS ROTC 2 123rd Airlift Wing/KY Air National Guard Louisville, KY 9/19/2024 $0 Commercial R502907
 BCHS Engineering Program University of Lou Louisville, KY 9/25/2024 $5 Commercial R502934
c. Request to Approve Bid Package No 2Tony Roth

I am requesting to approve the contract with Calhoun Construction Services for Bid Package No 2- General Construction of the North Bullitt Fieldhouse.  The base bid for the contract is $57,500,000.00 with an additional alternate bid of $106,180.00, creating a total construction cost of $57,606,180.00.


I recommend approval of this request. 

d. Request to Approve Bid Package No 4- TechnologyTony Roth

I am requesting to approve the contract with Kentuckiana Electrical Services for Bid Package No 4 for Technology Construction in the North Bullitt Field House.  The base bid for the contract is $293,750.00.

I recommend approval of this request. 

e. Request to Approve Change Order 1- Addition of Soils AllowanceTony Roth
After the award of the Bid Package No 1 Baseball/Softball Contract to Calhoun, SWT (civil engineer for NB and BC) informed SKA that our understanding of the general site soil remediation needed at North Bullitt and Bullitt Central was incorrect.  The documents did include allowances for building structures, but not general site work.  A soil remediation allowance is needed to address field and general site unsuitable soils that may be encountered.  SKA requests the Board's consideration of the addition of two Allowances to Calhoun's contract for Bid Package No.1 
a. Early Voting DiscussionJesse Bacon
b. Working Budget Fiscal Year 2025Lisa Lewis
c. Other Items from the BoardDarrell Coleman

Adjourn at _:__ p.m.
