Agenda Report

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Breathitt County Board of Education Regular Board Meeting
August 27, 2024 5:00 PM
Breathitt High School Library/Via Teleconference

Graduates Prepared For College, Career, and Community


Breathitt County Schools will accomplish this vision by:

1.  Putting students FIRST in ALL decision making,

2.  Setting high expectations for student achievement,

3.  Advocating for every child,

4.  Promoting growth for students and staff,

5.  Actively engaging community stakeholders, and

6.  Promoting positive school/community culture.

I. Call to Order.
A. Roll Call
B. Pledge of Allegiance/Mission and Vision
C. Adopt Agenda
II. Presentations/Reports
A. Student Recognitions
B. Staff Recognitions
1. Teacher Scholarship Recipient (2nd Round)
a. Jeffery Clair
b. Deidra Chapman
c. Darren Iacono
d. Viola Rose
e. Megan White
C. Reports
1. Superintendent ReportPhillip Watts
2. Attendance ReportFelicia Johnson
3. Data/Security PresentationPhillip Watts
A. Consider approval of the resolution to enter into a lease with Breathitt SD Finance Corporation related to the financing for the HT elementary HVAC project.
B. Consider approval of the revised BG# 23-500 for the Highland Turner HVAC showing the funding source of Local FSPK bonds.
C. Consider approval of motion to take a temporary recess of the board meeting to convene a Special called meeting of the Breathitt County School District Finance Corporation.
IV. Breathitt Finance Corporation Meeting
A. Consider approval of entering into Breathitt Finance Corporation Meeting.
B. Consider approval of returning to the Breathitt Board of Education regular meeting.
V. Student Learning and Support Items Recommended for Approval
1. Consider approval of the Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan.
2. Consider approval of financial assistance to pay for additional student dual credit classes that are not covered from the Work Ready scholarship at the ATC.
3. Consider approval of board members attending the KSBA Fall 2024 Regional Meeting.
4. Consider approval of the board members attending the KSBA's 2024 Winter Symposium will be held Dec. 6-7 at the Galt House in Louisville, KY.
5. Consider approval of the 2024-2025 GEAR UP SOAR MOA.
6. Consider approval of the MOU with WestEd.
7. Consider approval of the MOU with Breathitt County Emergency Management Agency
8. Consider approval of the MOA with KCTCS/Hazard Community College Education and Interdisciplinary Early Childhood program(s).
9. Consider approval of the MOA with the Department of Education for the purpose of CTE funding.
10. Consider approval of partnership agreement with Concentrated Employment program (EKCEP).
11. Consider approval of allocating $20,000 to BHS extra-curricular expenses (same as last year's allocation) and $4,000 to each elementary school for extra-curricular expenses.
12. Consider approval of Sabrina McElroy as the Board Appointed Certified Employee and Tim Wooton as the Board Appointed Certified Employee Alternate for the 2024-2025 Evaluation Appeals Committee.
13. Consider approval of the following fundraiser request.
a. Sebastian Elementary FYRCS Box Tops for the purpose of purchasing items for students.
14. Consider approval of the first reading of KSBA policy 09.224 to include the following language regarding OPIOID Antagonist.
15. Consider approval of facility usage request from Spark Athletics to use Sebastian Elementary for the purpose of Community Gymnastics once a week, after board approval, from 3:30 to 6:30p.m, contingent upon receiving insurance.(Current insurance is effective only until 10/12/2024, in which a new copy must be obtained to continue)
1. Consider approval of the July 23, 2024, Regular Meeting Minutes.
2. Consider approval of the August 22, 2024, Regular Work Session Meeting Minutes.
3. Consider approval of the July 2024 Treasurer's Report.
4. Consider approval of the August 2024 bills for payment.
5. Consider approval of the 2024 Technology Activity Report.
6. Consider approval of the District Funding Assurances for the 2024-2025 school year.
7. Consider approval of setting the 2024 property tax rates.
8. Consider approval of the 2024 motor vehicle tax rates.
9. Consider approval of revising the salary schedule.
10. Consider approval of Breathitt High School senior trip to Orlando and Cocoa Beach, Florida leaving March 21, 2025, and returning March 25, 2025.
11. Consider approval of the Breathitt High School Varsity Girls Basketball Team overnight trip to Destin, Florida to participate in the Hilton Sandestin Invitational Christmas Tournament, leaving December 26, 2024, and returning December 31, 2024.
12. Consider approval of declaring surplus technology items and authorize disposal through PowerHouse Recycling per State Master Contract.
13. Consider approve of the Breathitt County Schools/Trane GESC amendment(s).
14. Consider approval of quote from Jackson Propane Plus in the amount of $5,050.00 for HTS to include setting the tank, regulators, and the initial 2400 gallons of propane.
15. Consider approval of accepting the quote from Interstate Fence Supply for the Breathitt High School Campus in the amount of $28,385.92.
16. Consider approval of accepting the bid from Bubba and Larry's Lawn Care in the amount of $5,129.55 for the purpose of cleaning, crack seal, sealcoat and restripe the Breathitt Board of Education parking lot, Breathitt High School parking spaces and restriping LBJ Road.
17. Consider approval to declare September 9th through 13th, 2024 as Cyber Safe Week. During Cyber Safe Week, we encourage students, parents/guardians, and staff to complete the online Cyber Safe Child Challenge and we will reward students and staff who complete the Challenge with a Dippin’ Dots ice cream. Students in grades 5-12 will also participate in a school program at the Breathitt Elementary auditorium on September 6, 2024 as a lead-in to Cyber Safe Week.
18. Consider approval of authorizing superintendent or designee to complete the necessary forms from the Universal Service Administrative Company (E-rate funding) and advertise for bid the lit fiber services to the schools/facilities.
A. Breathitt ATC (BG #24-189)
1. Consider approval of the Contractor Pay Application #4 in the amount of $323,645.28 to Standafer Builders for the Breathitt ATC/Bus Garage(BG#24-189).
2. Consider approval of the Contractor DPO Pay Application #4 in the amount of $218,616.34 to Standafer Builders for the Breathitt ATC/Bus Garage(BG#24-189).
B. Highland Turner HVAC Replacement (BG#23-500)
1. Consider approval of the Contractor DPO Pay Application #3 in the amount of $96,334.50 to Allen Construction for the Highland Turner HVAC Replacement (BG#23-500).
2. Consider approval of the Contractor Pay Application #3 in the amount of $232,658.10 to Allen Construction for the Highland Turner HVAC Replacement (BG#23-500).
VII. Personnel Notifications
VIII. Informational Items
A. Communication/Sharing (All Present)
B. School Financial Reports
C. School SBDM Reports
IX. Adjournment
