Agenda Report

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Calendar Committee
January 13, 2021 3:30 PM
Video Teleconference

Graduates Prepared For College, Career, and Community


Breathitt County Schools will accomplish this vision by:

1.  Putting students FIRST in ALL decision making,

2.  Setting high expectations for student achievement,

3.  Advocating for every child,

4.  Promoting growth for students and staff,

5.  Actively engaging community stakeholders, and

6.  Promoting positive school/community culture.

I. Call to Order/Roll Call
A. Roll Call
II. Review and discuss calendar rules and KRS 158.070.
III. Review and discuss calendar for the 2021-2022 school year.
IV. Consider approval of the 2021-2022 school calendar options to present to the board.
V. Adjournment
