Agenda Report

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Breathitt County Board of Education Regular Board Meeting
October 27, 2020 5:00 PM
Video Teleconference

Graduates Prepared For College, Career, and Community


Breathitt County Schools will accomplish this vision by:

1.  Putting students FIRST in ALL decision making,

2.  Setting high expectations for student achievement,

3.  Advocating for every child,

4.  Promoting growth for students and staff,

5.  Actively engaging community stakeholders, and

6.  Promoting positive school/community culture.

I. Call to Order
A. Roll Call
B. Pledge of Allegiance/Mission and Vision
C. Adopt Agenda
II. Presentations/Reports
A. Student Recognitions
1. Westin Miller- Won All A Golf Regional Tournament as an Individual
B. Staff Recognitions
1. Thelma Crase
2. Beth Davidson
C. Reports
1. Superintendent ReportPhillip Watts
2. School Report CardStacey Davidson
III. Student Learning and Support Items Recommended for Approval
1. Approval of Use Property Requests
a. Consider approval of facility usage agreement for Cubs basketball to use MRC gymnasium for the purpose of games and practices, from October 27, 2020 through June 30, 2021, contingent upon providing insurance, an approved cleaning plan, and an approved plan from the local health department.
b. Consider approval of facility usage agreement for Jackson Woman's Club to use BHS Parking lot for the purpose of Downtown Christmas Parade line up, on 12/05/2020, contingent upon providing insurance, an approved cleaning plan, and an approved plan from the local health department.
c. Consider approval of facility usage agreement for Sandra Phipps to use Sebastian Elementary or Breathitt Area Technology Center for the purpose of Zumba, Mondays and Thursdays from 5-7:00p.m., until June 30, 2021, contingent upon providing insurance, an approved cleaning plan, and an approved plan from the local health department.
d. Consider approval of facility usage agreement for Jackson Parks and Recreation to use all schools, pending availability, for the purpose of Youth Sports Basketball League, from December 2020 through February 2021, contingent upon providing insurance, an approved cleaning plan, and an approved plan from the local health department
2. Consider approval of the KVEC Membership Agreement for the 2020-2021 school year.
3. Consider approval of fundraiser request for Sebastian Elementary to have a BSN Sideline store for 2020-2021 school year.
1. Consider approval of minutes of previous meetings.
a. Regular Board Meeting September 22, 2020
b. Special Called meeting for October 6, 2020.
2. Consider approval of the September Treasurer's Report.
3. Consider approval of the October bills for payment.
4. Bid Opening for Insulated Cargo Shipping Container (Sustainable Agriculture Facility Project) - KRADD
5. Consider approval to accept bids for an Insulated Cargo Shipping Container and to accept _________ as the lowest and responsive bidder pending certification of bids and funding approval.
6. Consider approval of extending the current re-entry model until such a time as the local and region Covid-19 incidence data is at a rate that the local health department and the re-entry team can safely recommend merging the two groups
7. Consider allowing middle and high school teams to participate and to travel in postseason play per KHSAA guidelines, to include allowing teams to play against or to play as a “red county”. In the event that Breathitt is designated as a “red county,” all other extracurricular activities will cease
8. Consider approval of accepting the bid from Bubba & Larry's Lawn Care in the amount of $13,890.50 for the purpose of Sealing and Striping the BHS Parking Lot (not including behind Coliseum); Bump Stops for the Parking Lot in front of the ATC Building; and a new crosswalk between the Football Field and Middle School Football Locker room.
9. Consider approval of 2021 Capital Funds request form for the purpose of window replacement and ADA access to the Coliseum.
10. Consider approval of Delta Dental contract.
11. Consider approval of the Construction Documents (drawings and specifications) for the new Elementary, KDE BG #20-283, for submission to KDE for review and approval to bid.
12. Consider approval of purchasing one school bus for the FY 2020-2021.
IV. Personnel Notifications
V. Informational Items
A. Communication/Sharing (All Present)
B. School Financial Reports
C. School SBDM Reports
VI. Adjournment
