I. Call to Order. | |
A. Roll Call | |
B. Pledge of Allegiance/Mission and Vision | |
C. Adopt Agenda | |
II. Presentations/Reports | |
A. Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) | |
B. Student Recognitions | |
1. KDE Commissioner’s Student Advisory Council 2020-2021 | |
a. Wallace Caleb Bates | |
C. Staff Recognitions | |
D. Reports | |
1. Superintendent Report | Phillip Watts |
III. Student Learning and Support Items Recommended for Approval | |
1. Consider approval of 2020-2021 Gear Up SOAR MOA. | |
2. Consider approval of the KVEC Reading Teacher MOA. | |
3. Consider approval of the KRCC School Based Services Agreement for 2020-2021 school year. | |
4. Consider approval of MOA Teacher Education Agreement with Midway University for 2020-2021 school year. | |
5. Consider approval of KSBA's contract for Medicaid Training and Billing services. | |
6. Consider approval of the Full Utilization Agreement with Middle Kentucky Head Start for the 2020-2021 school year. | |
7. Consider approval of board members attending KSBA's 2020 Winter Conference, December 4-5 in Louisville, KY. | |
8. Consider approval of board members attending the KSBA Fall Regional Meeting Virtually, date and time to be determined. | |
9. Consider approval of the 2020-2021 ARC Chairperson Designee. | |
10. Consider approval of fundraiser request for BHS to have a BSN Sideline store for 2020-2021 school year. | |
1. Consider approval of minutes of previous meetings. | |
a. June 23, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes | |
2. Consider approval of the June Treasurer's Report. | |
3. Consider approval of the July bills for payment. | |
4. Consider approval of Amendment of the Independent Auditors Contract. | |
5. Consider approval of the 2020-2021 School Re-Entry Plan. | |
6. Consider approval of start and end time for the 2020-2021 school year. | |
7. Consider approval of creating an additional Nurse position due to COVID-19. | |
8. Consider approval of granting ten (10) additional extended days to all nurses for the purpose of COVID-19 preparation prior to opening school for the 2020-2021 school year. | |
9. Consider approval of updated KDE recommended Infectious Illness Response Plan Matrix and COVID-19 Response Plan for students/staff. | |
10. Consider approval for flexible professional development for certified teachers for the 2020-2021 school year.
| |
11. Consider approval of creating a itinerant 185 day guidance counselor position for the 2020-2021 school year due to COVID-19 to focus on social well being of children that will be paid on the certified salary schedule based upon experience. | |
12. Consider approval of naming Stacey Davidson as the Board Appointed Representative on the Evaluation Appeals Committee and name Susan Watts as the alternative. | |
13. Consider approval of the second and final reading of KSBA Policy update #43 and procedure update #24. | |
14. Consider approval of renewing KSBA Custom Policy/Procedure Services and eMeeting Maintenance for the 2020-2021 school year. | |
15. Consider approval of renewing membership with KSBA for the 2020-2021 school year. | |
16. Consider approval of the second and final reading of the 2020-2021 Discipline Code Book. | |
17. Consider approval of the second and final reading of the 2020-2021 Employee Handbook and Substitute Teacher Handbook. | |
18. Consider approval of proposed student fees for the 2020-2021 school year for BHS, $10.00 parking pass per driver, FFA $20.00 per student. | |
19. Consider approval of the 2020 Motor Vehicle Tax Rate at the same rate as last year. | |
20. Consider approval of declaring surplus technology items and authorize disposal through Power House Recycling per State Master Contract. | |
21. Consider approval of School Security Request form submitted to KDE for reimbursement of eligible school safety items previously purchased by the school District. | |
22. Consider approval of Bubba & Larry's Lawn Care in the amount of $26,200.00 for the roof repair/maintenance, and cleaning, primer, and painting of metal siding at the Bus Garage. | |
23. Consider approval of Pay Application #7 in the amount of $88,056.60 for Construction Project BG#19-320, payable to Allen Construction. | |
24. Consider approval of the Direct Purchase Orders, totaling $963.01, for Construction Project BG#19-320, payable to individual vendors per invoice, as follows:
• PO#0004-2007211, State Electric Supply, Inv. 14484895, $860.00
• PO#0004-2007211, State Electric Supply, Inv. 14757771, $103.01 | |
25. Consider approval of Change Order #5, in the amount of $2,391.13, for Construction Project BG#19-320, for Allen Construction’s Sebastian Elementary School Renovation Contract.
Change Order #5 includes:
• Proposal Request #010 for a credit for one (1) floor clean out called for in Contract, but not installed by the contractor. < $ 352.50>.
Reason: Owner Request
• Proposal Request #012 for a new bronze dedication plaque. | |
26. Consider approval of Schematic Design for the new elementary school. | |
27. Consider approval of accepting recommendation from BHS advisory council to hire Ralph Fugate to paint a mural at Breathitt Coliseum in the amount of $9,500.00. | |
28. Consider approval of the quote with KPC vendor Toadvine Enterprises for a Nevco Marquee sign and installation at Breathitt High School in the total amount of $47,100.00. | |
29. Consider approval of using individual contract services with certified POPS (Peace Officer Professional Standards) officers to provide services to the Elementary Schools and events as needed, not to exceed $20,000 for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year. | |
IV. Personnel Notifications | |
V. Informational Items | |
A. Communication/Sharing (All Present) | |
B. School Financial Reports | |
C. School SBDM Reports | |
D. COVID-19 considerations for reopening schools. Link: https://education.ky.gov/comm/Pages/COVID-19-Updates.aspx | |
VI. Adjournment | |