Agenda Report

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Regular Meeting Boone County Board of Education
June 13, 2024 7:00 PM
Ralph Rush Professional Development Center
99 Center Street
Florence, Kentucky 41042

Representing and in partnership with our stakeholders, the Boone County School District recognizes that all children can learn and dedicates itself to providing a challenging educational environment that allows each student to achieve to his or her highest potential as a learner and citizen.

A. The Pledge to the Flag will be led by Jesse Parks, Chairperson
A. Honoring School District Employees with 30 years of service
B. Boone County Schools FRED Finalist Sharon Zilliox - Ryle High School Paraeducator
C. Top School Partner Award from Western Kentucky University
A. Dr. Jim Detwiler, Deputy Superintendent CAO, Academics Reports
B. Eric McArtor, Deputy Superintendent, COO, Operations Report
A. The board welcomes the opportunity to hear from the community and inform the board of your views on matters before the board, please keep in mind: • The Board of Education agenda is set and by statute, the board can only discuss the items that are present on the agenda. • The board cannot legally, nor would the board discuss an issue specific to an employee or student in respect to privacy. • Reminder: the meetings are streamed live on Youtube, please be respectful in your comments. • If you have a concern that you would like a response from the administration, feel free to leave your information as directed. • Keep comments to 2 minutes, so that all that wish to speak may speak. • The Giving/Gifting of time to another person is not permitted.
A. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of May 9, 2024
B. Minutes of the Special Board Meeting- Superintendent Search May 6, 2024
C. Minutes of the Special Board Meeting- Superintendent Search May 7, 2024
D. Minutes of the Special Board Meeting- Superintendent Search May 22, 2024
E. Bill List
F. Treasurer's Report
G. Leaves of Absence
H. Bid Award and Revised BG-1 for Boone County Schools LED Upgrades 2024, BG 24-142
I. Bid Award & Revised BG-1 for Boone County Schools Site Improvements, BG 24-244
J. Bid Award and Revised BG-1 for Boone County High Stadium Lighting, BG 24-141
K. Bid Award & Revised BG-1 for Stephens Elementary Generator, BG 24-140
L. BG-5 for Paving 2023, BG 23-342
M. BG-5 for Roofing 2023, BG 23-265
N. Change Order #3 - Boone County Schools HVAC 2022, BG 22-250
O. Bus Request - Mary Queen Heaven Church, 6-2024
P. Bus Request - St. Timothy Catholic Church, 9-2024
Q. Contract - Ockerman Middle with Dell Financial Services for desktop computers & laptops
R. Facility Use Agreement for Boone County High and KEA to use Facilities 6-2024
S. Facility Use Agreement for Boone County High and Duke Energy to use Facilities
T. Facility Use Agreement for Conner High School and NKYA Football to use Facilities
U. Field Trip - BCHS to Orlando for FBLA National Conference
V. Field Trip - Conner High School to Orlando for FBLA National Conference
W. Field Trip - Ignite to Orlando for Technology Student Association National Conference
X. Field Trip - RHS to Orlando for Choir
Y. Field Trip Request & Common Carrier Contract for Baseball State Tournament
Z. Field Trip - Conner Middle School to Washington, DC, 3-2025
AA. Surplus Buses and Vehicles - June 13, 2024
BB. Middle School Courses Offered for High School Credit for 2024-2025 School Year
CC. MOU Between Covington Independent Schools and Boone County Schools for Attendance at Ignite
DD. MOU Between Dayton Independent Schools and Boone County Schools for Attendance at Ignite
EE. MOU Between Walton Verona Independent Schools and Boone County Schools for Attendance at Ignite
FF. MOA Between Eastern Kentucky University and Boone County Schools for Dual Credit for 2024-25 School Year
GG. MOA Between Gateway Community and Technical College and Boone County Schools for Dual Credit for 2024-25 School Year
HH. MOA Between Murray State University and Conner High School for Dual Credit for 2024-25 School Year
II. MOA Between Murray State University and Cooper High School for Dual Credit for 2024-25 School Year
JJ. MOA Between Northern Kentucky University and Boone County Schools for Dual Credit for 2024-25 School Year
KK. MOU Between Thomas More University and Boone County Schools for Dual Credit for 2024-25 School Year
LL. MOA Between Northern Kentucky University and Boone County Schools for Teacher Endorsement in English as a Second Language
MM. MOA Between Enzweiler Building Institute and Boone County Schools for Vocational Educational Partner for 2024-2025 School Year
NN. MOA Between Commonwealth of Kentucky, KDE and the Boone County Board of Education for use of Funds for Operation Local Area Vocational Educational Centers (LAVECs)for the 2024-25 School Year
OO. Contract - Character Strong and Boone County Schools for PurposeFull People ***ARP ESSER***
PP. Contract - Imagine Learning and Boone County Schools for Edgenuity License Renewal
QQ. Contract - Imagine Learning and Boone County Schools for ACCEL Academy and CHNK, MyPath K-12 ***ARP ESSER***
RR. Contract - Instructure and Boone County Schools for Canvas
SS. Contract - Instructure and Boone County Schools for Mastery Connect and MVPA ***ESSER***
TT. Contract - Jigsaw Learning, LLC; Teachtown - LSS/SPED
UU. Contract - Newsela, INC and Boone County Schools for Newsela
VV. Contract - Panorama Education and Boone County Schools for Student Success Platform Licenses ***ESSER***
WW. Contract - Renaissance Learning and Boone County Schools for Accelerated Reader, Star - CBM Reading, Early Literacy, Math, Phonics, Reading and MYON
XX. Contract - Securly and Boone County Schools - Scheduling Tool
YY. Contract - STEPCG and Boone County Schools for Maintenance of District Hardware and Software
ZZ. Contract - Teacher Created Materials and LSS/Elementary Schools for Exploring Social Studies Curriculum ***ARP ESSER***
AAA. Pledge of Collateral, Depository Bond for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 School Year
BBB. Designation of Funds Future Pre-School Center
CCC. Indirect Cost Rates for the 2024-25 Fiscal Year
DDD. Barnes and Dennig Auditing Services Renewal 2024-2025
EEE. Contract - Toshiba Copier Lease and Maintenance Agreement-Ballyshannon Middle School
FFF. Facilities Surplus
GGG. Memorandum of Understanding - Eastern Kentucky University Advantage Program and Boone County Schools
HHH. Affiliation Agreement - Indiana University Field Experience
III. Memorandum of Agreement - Midway University Teacher Education Program and Boone County Schools - Field Experience
JJJ. Memorandum of Understanding - University of the Cumberlands and Boone County Schools - Field Experience
KKK. Clinical Experience Agreement - Western Governors University and Boone County Schools - Field Experience
LLL. Funding Request Invoice for FRYSC FY 2025
MMM. Non-Binding Memorandum of Agreement with 1N5 for Provision of Education and Training
NNN. Memorandum of Understanding Between Boone County Schools and Family Nurturing Center for Services and Support
OOO. Interagency Agreement with MEBS Counseling
PPP. Memorandum of Agreement Between NorthKey Community Care and Boone County Board of Education for On-site Mental Health Therapy Services
QQQ. MOU Between Ramey Estep/Regroup and Boone County Schools for School-Based Behavioral Health Services
RRR. Use of Facilities YMCA of Greater Cincinnati/RC Durr Branch to use North Pointe for Early Learning and Before and After School Care
SSS. Use of Facilities YMCA of Greater Cincinnati/RC Durr Branch to use Thornwilde Elementary and Yealey Elementary for Before and After School Care
TTT. School Resource Officer Agreement 2024-25
UUU. Retaining Expert Services for Collection of Occupational Taxes
VVV. Annual Data Security and Privacy/CIPA Compliance Notification for 2024-25 School Year
WWW. Designation of Insurance Broker for Property, Casualty, Liability. Auto , and Workers Comp Insurance FY25
XXX. Boone County Transportation with KinderCare Transportation Agreement
YYY. Settlement Agreement Case #21-CI-00426
A. No Old Business
A. Certified Evaluation Plan (CEP) for the 2024-25 School Year
B. District Assurances to be Submitted to Kentucky Department of Education
C. Boone County Board and Boone County Education Association Salary Agreement 2024-2025 Ratified by the BCEA
D. Salary Schedule 2024-25
E. Annual Board Policy Updates - First Reading
F. Boone County Board of Education Board Meeting Dates for 2024-2025 School Year
A. Human Resource Actions
B. Worker's Compensation Claims
C. Overtime Report
D. Construction Status Report
E. Energy Management Report
F. Board Member Committee Reports
A. No closed session
