I. Opening | |
A. Call to Order | |
B. Approve Agenda | |
C. Approve Minutes from the August 15th Regular Board Meeting and the August 31st Special Called Meeting | |
D. Department and Superintendent's Reports | |
a. Inform Board of Superintendent's Personnel Actions | |
E. Showcase and Recognitions | |
a. Hunt Brothers Pizza | |
b. Paris Middle School Students | |
c. Paris Elementary Student | |
F. Public Comment
The Paris Independent Board of Education welcomes public comment during all regular meetings. Generally, School Board members do not respond to public comment during a meeting. The public comment period should not be viewed as an opportunity for questioning of board members or administrators, or for back-and-forth discussion or debate. It is an opportunity for members of the public to express their views regarding matters which are within the scope of the Board’s decision-making authority. | |
G. Presentations | |
H. Consent Agenda | |
a. Approve Bills, Salaries, and Wages | |
b. Approve Treasurer's Report | |
c. Approve Superintendent's Expense Report | |
d. Approve Fundraiser Request for Fall Book Fair for all Schools | |
e. Approve Fundraiser Request for Paris Middle School selling snacks for Yearbooks | |
f. Approve Fundraiser Request for Paris Middle 8th Grade Trip to sell T-shirts, School dances, School Concessions and Aramark Concessions | |
g. Approve Fundraiser Request for Paris Middle Baseball Team to have Sonic Nights, Jerrys Night, Aramark Concessions, Homerun Derby, Banners and Pride Slides | |
h. Approve MOA with Bourbon County Head Start | |
i. Approve to Change January Meeting dates to the Third Thursday of the Month. | |
j. Approve G. Davis Wilson to Donate Stipend Back to Programs | |
II. Old Business | |
III. New Business | |
A. Consider Motion to Approve First Reading of New Annual Leave Day Policy 3.122 | |
B. Consider Motion to Approve Banking Services Bid | |
C. Consider Motion to Approve Draft Facility Plan by Local Planning Committee | |
D. Consider Motion to Approve 2023-2024 Working Budget | |
E. Consider Motion to Approve Creating Part-time Financial Position | |
F. Consider Motion to Approve Contract Services with Adidas America Incorporation | |
G. Consider Motion to Enter into Executive Session Per KRS 61.810(1)(f) and (k), to discuss a student discipline issue, including a review of confidential student records. | |
H. Consider Motion to Exit Executive Session Per KRS 61.810(1)(f) and (k), to discuss a student discipline issue, including a review of confidential student records. | |
IV. Superintendent's Report | |
A. Standards 1 & 4 | |
B. Facilities Update & Estimates | |
C. Inform Board of Bidding Process Policy and Procedure | |
D. Corporate Sponsorship Plan | |
V. Board Comments | |
VI. Adjournment | |