Agenda Report

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Mercer County Board of Education

Regular Meeting
April 25, 2023 5:30 PM
Central Office

1. Call to Order/Roll CallRandy Phillips
2. Pledge of AllegianceJason Booher
3. Approval of AgendaRandy Phillips
4. Recognitions
5. Public ParticipationRandy Phillips
6. Reports
A. Finance Officer's ReportAmber Minor
B. Attendance/Enrollment ReportEsther Hayslett
C. Personnel ReportJason Booher
D. District Technology PlanJerome Gallt
E. Superintendent's ReportJason Booher
7. Consent AgendaRandy Phillips
A. Board Meeting MinutesRandy Phillips
B. InvoicesAmber Minor
C. Start/Stop TimesRandy Phillips
D. Senior Trip to Kings IslandStacy Davis
E. FCCLA National Leadership ConferenceAimee Darland
F. 2023-24 School FeesAmber Minor
G. Emergency Reading of Board PolicyAmber Minor
H. SBDM Carryforward RequestsAmber Minor
8. Action Items for DiscussionRandy Phillips
A. First Reading of Personal DayChantal Joyce
9. Action Items for Roll Call VoteRandy Phillips
A. School CalendarEsther Hayslett
B. Banking Services and Pledge of CollateralRandy Phillips
C. 2023 KETS 2nd Offer of AssistanceAmber Minor
D. RFP for MCIS CafeteriaChris Minor
E. Audit ContractAmber Minor
F. 2022-23 Salary Schedule UpdateAmber Minor
G. LeavesChantal Joyce
H. Copier Contract Amber Minor
I. Emergency Certified Substitutes
J. Athletics Change OrderJason Booher
10. Enter into Executive Session Pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(f)Randy Phillips
11. Exit Executive SessionRandy Phillips
12. Action Related to Executive SessionRandy Phillips
13. AdjournmentRandy Phillips
