1. Call to Order/Roll Call | Randy Phillips |
2. Pledge of Allegiance | Jason Booher |
3. Approval of Agenda | Randy Phillips |
4. Recognitions | |
5. Public Participation | Randy Phillips |
6. Reports | |
A. Finance Officer's Report | Amber Minor |
B. Attendance/Enrollment Report | Esther Hayslett |
C. Personnel Report | Jason Booher |
D. District Technology Plan | Jerome Gallt |
E. Superintendent's Report | Jason Booher |
7. Consent Agenda | Randy Phillips |
A. Board Meeting Minutes | Randy Phillips |
B. Invoices | Amber Minor |
C. Start/Stop Times | Randy Phillips |
D. Senior Trip to Kings Island | Stacy Davis |
E. FCCLA National Leadership Conference | Aimee Darland |
F. 2023-24 School Fees | Amber Minor |
G. Emergency Reading of Board Policy | Amber Minor |
H. SBDM Carryforward Requests | Amber Minor |
8. Action Items for Discussion | Randy Phillips |
A. First Reading of Personal Day | Chantal Joyce |
9. Action Items for Roll Call Vote | Randy Phillips |
A. School Calendar | Esther Hayslett |
B. Banking Services and Pledge of Collateral | Randy Phillips |
C. 2023 KETS 2nd Offer of Assistance | Amber Minor |
D. RFP for MCIS Cafeteria | Chris Minor |
E. Audit Contract | Amber Minor |
F. 2022-23 Salary Schedule Update | Amber Minor |
G. Leaves | Chantal Joyce |
H. Copier Contract | Amber Minor |
I. Emergency Certified Substitutes | |
J. Athletics Change Order | Jason Booher |
10. Enter into Executive Session Pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(f) | Randy Phillips |
11. Exit Executive Session | Randy Phillips |
12. Action Related to Executive Session | Randy Phillips |
13. Adjournment | Randy Phillips |