I. Call to Order | |
A. Roll Call | |
B. Pledge of Allegiance | |
C. Moment of Silence | |
D. Menifee County School District: Values, Beliefs and Goals | |
E. Approve to Amend the Agenda to Add Consent Item III.A.14 Contract with KEDC for Wi-Fi Access Points | |
F. Adopt Agenda | |
II. Presentations | |
A. Student Recognitions/Staff Recognitions | |
1. Menifee Central Student Recognitions | |
2. Menifee High School Student Recognitions | |
B. Community Spotlight - Judge Rick Stiltner | |
C. Reports | |
1. Treasurer Reports | Lorri Bartley |
a. MUNIS Balance Sheets | |
b. Monthly Financial Report | |
c. Bank Reconciliation | |
d. Cash Flow Statement | |
2. PDSA Report/Directors Report/CTE Coordinator Report/Alternative Report/Transportation Report/Facilities/Maintenance Report | |
3. Principal Update/Instructional Support | |
III. Student Learning and Support Items Recommended for Approval | |
1. Board Minutes | |
2. Subsequent Claims, Current Claims and Salaries (Bills for Payment) | |
3. Approve to Accept Donation of $2,000 from Menifee County Farm Bureau for Senior Trip | |
4. Approve Change Order for Electrical Transformer Update for the Sports Complex | |
5. Approve Change Order for Retaining Wall ($29,966.99) for the Concession Stand for the Sports Complex | |
6. Approve Change Orders for Slips at the Front Entrance of the Sports Complex | |
7. Approve to Publish a RFP for Custodial Services | |
8. Approve Bid from ABBICO Contracting for the Early Learning Mobile Classroom | |
9. Approve the Facility Plan Agreement for the Local Planning Committee | |
10. Approve 2024 Summer School Pay Scales | |
11. Approve Military Leave for Employee #1281 | |
12. Approve to Apply for FRYSC AmeriCorps Accepting Partner Application | |
13. Approve Agreement for Use of District Property for the Menifee Community Theatre Group for Production of Charlotte's Webb | |
14. Approve Contract with KEDC for WI-FI Access Point Upgrade Contingent Upon E-Rate Funding | |
1. Approve School Reconfiguration of Menifee Central and Menifee High School | |
2. Approve 2024-2025 Staff Policy | |
IV. Personnel Notification | |
V. Informational Items | |
A. Monthly Community Report | |
VI. Communication/Sharing (All Present) | |
VII. Adjournment | |