I. Call to Order | Chairperson Carrie Truitt |
A. Approve/Amend August 08, 2024 Board Meeting Agenda | |
II. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence | Student Ambassadors |
III. Communications | |
A. Public Comment | |
B. Superintendent Report (Attachment #1) | Chris Brady |
C. MCATC Student Presentation | Christina McRay |
D. Attendance & Enrollment Report | Angie Akers |
E. Finance Report | Scott Spalding |
IV. Student Learning Services | |
A. Consider approval of 2024-25 adult meal prices | |
V. Student Support Services | |
A. Consider approval to declare used items of the Marion County High School Band surplus and the proceeds for the sale of these items to the MCHS Band program | |
B. Consider approval of surplus radio equipment | |
C. Consider approval of contract with Ross Tarrant Architects for the 2025 District Facilities Plan | |
D. Consider approval of Pay App #4 to Griggs Enterprises in the amount of $264,995.70 for work performed on the Glasscock Elementary masonry and window replacement project BG # 24-122 | |
E. Consider approval of Pay App #6 to Haire Construction, LLC in the amount of $3,207.30 for work performed on the Marion County Outdoor Classrooms, BG# 23-328 | |
F. Consider approval of Pay App #2 to Eskola, LLC in the amount of $46,575.00 for work performed on the Marion County ATC – Partial Roof Replacement, BG# 24-118 | |
G. Consider approval of Change Order #1 for the Glasscock ES – Annex and Old Bus Garage Roof Replacements, BG# 24-121 | |
H. Consider approval of Pay App #2 to Eskola, LLC in the amount of $13,950.00 for work performed on the Marion County Middle School – Partial Roof Replacement, BG# 24-119 | |
I. Consider approval of Pay App #5 to Central Kentucky Glass in the amount of $70,175.00 for work performed and $3,405.00 to vendors for materials on the Marion County Middle School – Partial Window Glazing Replacement, BG# 24-120 | |
J. Consider approval of Change Order #1 in the amount of $1,555.00 for the Marion County Middle School – Partial Window Glazing Replacement, BG# 24-120 | |
K. Consider approval of Pay App #16 to Griggs Enterprises in the amount of $1,111,300.31 for work performed and $158,145.81 to vendors for materials on the New Calvary Elementary School, BG# 22-052 | |
L. Consider approval of Change Order #15 in the amount of $3,215.59 for the New Calvary Elementary School, BG# 22-052 | |
M. Consider approval of DPO Change Order # 2138-27-01 for a credit of $4,644.00 for the New Calvary Elementary School, BG# 22-052 | |
N. Consider approval of DPO Change Order # 2138-16-01 for a credit of $828.00 for the New Calvary Elementary School, BG# 22-052 | |
VI. Student Learning & Support Consent Items | |
A. Approval of minutes | |
B. Approval of payment of bills as presented | |
C. Approval of school fundraisers | |
D. Approval of Driver Approval Agreement | |
E. Approval of Booster/Support Club Agreement | |
F. Approval of 2024-25 Migrant Education Grant Application for $284,227.00 | |
G. Approval of student teacher agreement with Campbellsville University and Marion County Public Schools | |
H. Approval to apply for the Kids Heart Challenge and American Heart Challenge grant for West Marion Elementary | |
I. Approval to accept the Kids Heart Challenge and American Heart Challenge grant for West Marion Elementary | |
J. Approval of FY25 Memo of Agreement of Gear Up Ky 4.0 Yr. 7 Grant for $9,550.00 | |
K. Approval of Memo of Agreement between The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Education and Labor Cabinet and MCPS | |
L. Approval of Memo of Agreement with Central KY Head Start | |
M. Approval of 2024-25 KSBA Membership Dues for 6,026.78 | |
N. Acceptance of donation of 70 small engines from Briggs and Stratton valued at over $1,000.00 for Mr. Sweet's Small Power Class at MCHS | |
O. Acceptance of donation from Lebanon Tourism in the amount of $2,000.00 to the MCHS Boy's Basketball Team | |
P. Acceptance of donation from KY Cooperage in the amount of $10,000.00 for the MCHS Football Bowl | |
Q. Acceptance of donation from Steve Schwarz in the amount of $27,800.00 for new lockers in MCHS Basketball locker rooms | |
R. Approval of leave without pay for Josie Brockman from 8/02/24 through 10/04/24 | |
VII. Acknowledgement of Personnel Actions (Attachment #2) | |
VIII. Adjournment | |